4x7: Spoiler Alert

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"Qrow, it's been nearly a week! I implore you to cease this behavior in future!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya, Oz. But, look, I found him; a little worse for wear but he'll be okay."

Ozpin paced back and forth, scratching his forehead. "How bad is it?"

"Kid's missing an eye," answered Qrow, chuckling. "Aside from that, he's mostly fine. Although... you should see the others who jumped 'im." He froze and the hairs on his arm and neck stood. "It was a bloodbath, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering those clean-up jobs ya sent 'im on."

"Adam Taurus. Was he there? Did you at least see his corpse?" One after another, quickly and loudly.

"Woah, hey, calm down, Oz. No, I didn't find the body, but he's dead. Nothing but ashes," Qrow detailed, then continued, "why? What'd you hear while I was gone?"

"Sienna Khan awoke only a few days ago and she made it rather clear that Taurus was planning something big. Something to do with Haven."

"Fuckin' A. Can't ever catch a break. Alright, I'll ask Hope if she-"

"Hope? Who else is with you two?"

"An ex-fang member and recent partner to our mutual hitman. She's likely got intel on whatever plan he had. But, like I said, I'll ask her about it; unless you want to. We're only a day our from shore, so you'll get to poke and prod her brain all you want."

Ozpin pinched his nose-bridge and let out a deep breath. "No, that won't be necessary, Qrow. You can question however you deem fit, so long as you report back to me with your findings."

"Aye aye, Cap'n. I'll see you in a day then."

"Yes, I shall see you then." Then click calls over and back to being by himself.

"Do you plan to replace him too?"

"There is no replacing any of them. Every last one of them, and their stories, are invaluable to this cause."

"And yet you replaced Summer once her story ended. And with her own daughter no less."

Something tugged at Ozpin's heart. "I know."

"Some many stories and they all had twist endings. In fact, I'm sure this one will too, and I bet it's right around the corner."

"What? I don't und-"

"And you won't understand. So, I suggest you continue guessing, Ozma. Who knows when you'll hit the bend and crash?"

"Soon, perhaps."

"Perhaps, Ozma. Perhaps."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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