3x11: Apocalypse

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The Television stained Mary's features with a terrible pale glow. The simple white chess piece betrayed its abhorrent use. Then, a knot formed in her stomach as the city-wide sirens sounded off.

"Attention! All Vale citizens, this is a Grimm Threat Level 5! I repeat, Threat Level 5! Find a safe area and protect yourself with any weaponry!"

Wasting no time, Mary stormed up the stairs and darted to her closet. She threw open the doors and lunged at the large, golden case at her feet. A smile stretched across her face, and a half-hearted laugh escaped her as her eyes locked onto the sleek pump-action shotgun resting inside. She took the gun and its ammunition from its container and loaded it professionally. However, she flinched and dropped a shell at the sudden and fearsome roars and howls of the ravenous Grimm pillaging Vale for its people. She cursed herself as she snatched the body from the carpet floor and loaded it. Racking the shotgun, her muscles relax momentarily, only to tense back up as her front door is kicked in.

"Mary? Are you still here?" Fritz's voice echoed through the home, allowing her to relax again.

"I'm up here!" She called back, slouching the wall beside the window.

The stairs creak and groan as he draws near, then into her view. His light blue is stained with specks of blue, and his bandaged knuckles are more predominately stained crimson.

"I'm fine, love. No need to check on me." Her words and soothing voice made him take an easy breath. From over his shoulder, Mary spots a police officer still ascending the stairs, his chest heaving.

"Hey... Mary, was it? I'm Detective Micheal Palmer," he voiced through ragged breaths. "So, what's the plan, Fritz? Please tell me you've got one because I'm all out."

Despite the dire situation, Fritz chuckled briefly but genuinely. "Yeah, I've got one, but I doubt either of you will like it." He eyes them both as his smile fades. "We're going to fight to get to the evac ships at the city's edge. Unfortunately, it's close to Beacon, so we've got one helluva walk ahead of us. If you want to get some water, best do it now. You won't get the chance till tomorrow. Live or die, Semper Fi."

A smirk cracked across the detective's lips, and his arms folded across his chest. "Suicide play? Well, it wouldn't be the first time I did this. But, fuck it, what other options do we have, right?"

Mary rises and readies her weapon. "Then let's make merry and hit the road."

Fritz smirks and rises too. "Do let's."

A Beowolf stalks toward the broken-down door with blood-stained claws and teeth. Then, like lightning, two shots rang out, and the beast's face turned from wolf-like to a watermelon that a high-powered rifle had shot. Mary stepped out, checking her flanks, with Fritz and Manny providing extra eyes. Without further delay, the trio darted off, sprinting up the street, their nerves burning while screams, howling, and bone-chilling roars tore through the air. Ahead of them, Beowolves appear like locusts, their teeth and claws all stained scarlet. Fritz pushed forward and cracked their skulls, letting the others deal the killing blow. Together, they cut a path through the blood-starved beasts while helping Vale's civilians as much as possible. Eventually, they stumbled upon a squadron of Atlesian soldiers among a small group of combat machines. 

"Hey, we got civilians over here!" Shouted a soldier as he quickly approached them. "Is it just you three? Or are there more of you back there?" 

"No, sir. It's just us," Fritz stated. 

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