4x5: Bitter Reunion

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"Gooood Moorrnning, Mistral! This is your host, Ash Heartman! It's been nearly a month since the network crash and the fall of Beacon. News about the attack has been scarce, but fortunately, the folks at the studio have managed to piece together what's going on out there! While Grimm and outside forces mostly decimated Beacon and the kingdom of Vale, many civilians were safely evacuated from the danger zone. Numerous reports of encampments have been cited to be dotted throughout eastern Sanus. Our prayers go out to the survivors. On a brighter note, efforts to get intercontinental communications back underway have sparked a fire in many brilliant minds to help as best they can. For now, that's all we radio-heads have to bring you all at home; take care, folks!" 

"Hey, at least it's better than last time, right?" Yang's honeyed voice implored, the corners of her mouth pulled into a soft smile. Her gold and black metallic fingertips tapped against the wooden tabletop she was leaning on. 

Qrow mirrored Yang to a T, but his wild eyes darted around the diner and noted the few patrons. "Anything's better than last time. All they covered was Beacon's fall. Treated like a house of cards smashed by a sledgehammer," he addressed, spotting a waitress walking toward them with his smirk growing ear to ear. She's sweet on the eyes, too.

The waitress, a young freckle-faced brunette with deep brown eyes, huffed and dusted off her apron with one arm. Cradled in the other were at least a dozen menus. "Hey, sorry about the wait, guys; I had my hands full. Anyway, here are your menus. When you're ready to order, wave me over, okay?"

Qrow nodded, watching her leaving; however, an elbow would swiftly end his ass-gazing. "Qrow, that's gross! She's like half your age!" Ruby chastised with a cartoonish pout. The girl has at least seven years over her, but it sends needles down here to think how she'd feel if in her place.

He rolled his eyes like marbles in his head, his smirk remaining vigilant. "How old d'you think I am, kid?" He shot back, shifting his arm to support his head.

"I dunno, forty-two?" Ruby responded sheepishly, bowing her head. Looking at her uncle beneath his glare, she felt as though she had the sun beaming down on her during a heatwave.

Finally, Qrow relented his killer glare and let out a hearty chuckle, then put his hand on his heart and the other on his head. "Oh, you wound me so, kid!"

Again, Ruby bowed her head, her cheeks burning red hot. "Qrow..."

He gently elbowed her. "Relax, kid, I'm just messing around. Now flip through that menu so we can all order some food. I'm starving." 

Simple best describes the menu's numerous options for breakfast—pancakes, waffles, French toast, and so on. If you could think of it, it was there. So, it only took ten minutes or less for everyone to find what they wanted, although some chose ludicrous amounts of food. Eventually, Qrow caught the waitress's attention, placing his order with an embarrassingly obvious look of confusion upon hearing it in full. However, she shrugged and took their order despite its insanity. 

Sighing, Qrow took out his wallet and said, "Sorry for the trouble." Clamped between his fingers was a hundred lien. She hesitated momentarily, her twitching arm teetering from taking it and refusing the gracious offer. Before she could finally decide, Qrow grabbed her hands and crumbled the hundred in them. They shared a look until he let her go and collected the menus for her. "Here."

"This just in, folks; Both previous and current White Fang leader Ghira Belladonna and Sienna Khan have been rushed to a hospital alongside Ghira's family from a fishing port on the coast! Witnesses say Khan had a severe wound in her abdomen and seemed to be suffering from extreme dehydration alongside the Belladonna family. We'll update you all as the story unfolds." 

Qrow's eyes flicked between everyone at the table. He scoffed and shook his head. "Cancel that order, miss. Looks like we're leaving." He shuffled out of the booth; the others raced out from behind him and sprinted toward the door."Oh, and you can keep that hundred, by the way. You earned it."

The doctor was your typical white-collar worker: slick-back hair, clean face, and dull eyes. His smile is forced, but there's something genuine about it. "Yes, Ms. Belladonna is okay, as well as her family. They're conscious, getting a proper meal and something to drink. You are free to visit her if you'd like."

"Thanks, doc." Qrow started shooing the kids past the doctor. "C'mon, kiddos, your dear friend is ready and waitin'." 

 The walk doesn't take long, only a few minutes, if that. They seem eager or maybe scared. It's hard to tell. 

"Blake!" Yang's voice bounced off the walls and struck the patients. She darted toward her Faunus friend with wide arms. The others trail behind and swarm Blake, dog-piling her. Then, like any group of friends, they bombard her with questions: how are you? What happened? The usual amount of worry expressed by those who care about you. 

"Hate to interrupt this heartfelt reunion, but what happened to you four?" Qrow chirped curiously. "I mean, it's not every day someone sets sail and forgets to pack food and water. Although judging by Khan's condition, I'd say this wasn't just your usual boat ride."

"Our home was attacked," Ghira stated with simmering anger. "We only got away because someone distracted our assailants. Someone my daughter is familiar with, and I assume you all are as well."

"It was Fritz," Blake whimpered, bowing her head and staring into her lap. She paused, letting them heap the drama. "I don't know if he got out okay, but-but," the words caught in her throat as she choked on her tears.

Her friends huddle and comfort her as she sobs. Qrow shakes his head, scoffing. "Any of you know who would've wanted you or Khan dead?"

"The White Fang attacked us. Sienna told us that there had been a coup, and she was badly injured. But, as you may have seen, her wounds were only exacerbated by our trip."

Qrow's brow raised, lopsided. Of all things a coup was the last thing he expected. "I thought Khan's reign was going well. What changed?"

Ghira paused, searching for the words - or the reasons. "Have you seen the news as of recent? Strife between the Faunus and humans has been rising. I suppose whoever wants to take over seeks to deal this via a more... aggressive solution."

"A revolution," Qrow exacted. He cursed to himself and began pacing. "Then, there's nothing to worry about, for the moment, at least." It'd be a lie to say Qrow wasn't annoyed by all of this—from a coup to a revolution in the works. Oum knows if it comes to fruition then thousands, maybe more, will probably die. What a damn mess this has all become.

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