1x5: First Day Pt. 1

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Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and a alarm annoyingly beeped.

"Rise and shine!" Ruby shouted with enthusiasm.

Yang groaned in a reluctant reply.

"Oh, c'mon guys, don't be like that!" Ruby protested. "It's first day so we can't be late!"

Yang sat up and groggily rubbed her eyes. "What time is it, anyway?"

"A little after 6," she answered.

"And what time do we have to be there?"

"7, I think," Ruby said, tapping her chin with an absurd amount of cliché.

Blake rises first, being fully dressed in her uniform. "She's got a point," she agreed. "We can't be late for our day here."

Yang groaned, throwing the blankets to the side and getting to her feet.

"Hey, where's the ice queen?" Asked Ruby, glancing at the empty bed beside her own.

As if on cue, the bathroom door opened to an annoyed Weiss. "Don't call me that," she stated firmly.

"You got it, Weiss!" Ruby replied with a nervous chuckle.

"What a great start," Yang mumbled to herself, shaking her head.

Boisterous conversations filled the classroom while they waited for the start of class, which was still a dozen minutes away. The sea of voices being heard from with the bland halls of Beacon.

"Is everyone already there?" Ruby asked aloud to no one.

"Sounds like it," said Yang, her hands held behind her head. "But I still think we could've stayed back at the dorms for a while longer."

"And come running to the door while the bell rings?" Blake suggested questioningly.

"Oh, c'mon, I think we would've made it in time," Yang responded pointedly. "Besides, ain't nothin' wrong with hitting a buzzer beater."

Weiss offhandedly scoffed before speeding off into the classroom.

"Huh, wasn't expecting the... cold shoulder!"

"Ugh, that was horrible!" Ruby exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

"I liked it," Blake stoically said with a smile.

Yang chuckled then took a long breath. "Kinda wish Jacket heard that one," she commented. "I bet he would've liked that one. And my other master-class jokes."

At the drop of his name, a somber air circled Ruby. Sure, she barely knew him, and he barely knew her. Yet, despite that, he willingly gave up this golden opportunity and let her have it.

"Don't get the waterworks going, Rubes," Yang comforted. "I'm sure he'd want you to wear that signature bright smile of yours." Yang's own vibrant smile slightly cheering up her little sister.

"You're right," Ruby agreed, raising her spirits. "He wouldn't want me to be down in the dumps."

"Exactly! Now, get a move on. The bell is gonna ring soon."

Yang barely got another word out before Ruby flew into the classroom in a flurry of vibrant red rose petals. Blondie McBombshell shrugged and followed with Blake in tow. The fair amount of seats were taken about familiar and unfamiliar faces alike. Although that didn't really matter as a pair of seats were open by Ruby and her dear friend Weiss. Which was practically a no-brainer. Then, the soon after they took their seats, the bell rang as Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren ran into class.

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