Chapter 1 - Where It All Began

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Sirens blaring, my heart pounding. I ran through the burning streets of Atlanta as the sound of the screeches and groans of the undead filled my ears. How did this happen? I thought as I hurdled a car in my path. How come, after all these years of dissing people that thought a "zombie apocalypse" was impossible, was it finally happening? Shinggg. I fell to the ground as my leg caught on a wire sticking through a fence sliced into my leg. NO NO NO NO NO this CAN'T be how I go!!! I pulled myself up using a metal post sticking out of the ground and the unholy stench of rotting flesh filled my nose as I inhaled sharply. I somehow managed to get into a clothing shop and slammed the door hard behind me and pulled a clothing rack in front of the door. Then things went from bad to worse. I started feeling lightheaded and staggered forwards, falling to the ground. Black. Nothing. This is the end was my final thought. Or was it?

I was aware of a sharp tugging at my leg. I jumped up to a sitting position and saw a young Asian boy clamber backwards away from me as if I was the one startling HIM! "Who-who are you?" I stuttered as I stared at him, my green eyes wide with fright

"I'm Glenn," He said in a shocked, slightly awkward tone, "sorry, I thought you were a Geek, laying like that!"

I was taken aback. Geek? What did he mean, Geek? "No, I'm not a Geek and if you mean Walker, no I'm not that either."

"Uhhh... you-your bleeding," He said, motioning to my leg, "you bit?" He shuffled back a little more

Do I look bit you jackass? "No, I'm not bit. If I was bit I woulda killed myself already. The world doesn't need any more walkers," Duh, " I cut myself on a bit of metal running. You gonna stand there looking like a headless chicken or are you gonna get me something to stop the bleeding?"

"S-sure. Just, I don't know what to get." He looked completely out of his depth with this.

"Urghhhh, just... pass me a shirt," I huffed impatiently. I didn't have all day for this, "Ok, now put it on the cut and put pressure on it."

"Y-you mean, with my hands??," He looked utterly horrified at the thought, making me snigger a bit. This guy wouldn't last a day!

"Yes, with your hands, what else would you use, your feet?! Fuck, just... forget it. Gimme the damn shirt." I picked up the shirt and put it on my cut. As I did, a group of people walked in. A blonde girl, a black lady who had a kindness about her, a redneck looking guy with a gun and a couple of other people. Who were these crazy nuts? And just as I was about to ask... I pass out. Again. Typical.

Hey guys, hope your enjoying the start of "My Girl - A Daryl Dixon Fanfic". Please let me know what you think and I'll have the second chapter published by tomorrow or the next day!

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