Chapter 12 - Trapped

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I woke up with a throbbing headache from crying all night. I hated Shane with all my life and hoped he was dead from being severely beaten. I got out of my bed and saw some aspirin with a glass of water and a note. I picked the note up and read it:

Got you some aspirin because you probably have a headache


Huh. I put the note in my backpack next to my bed. Daryl must've brought that in too. I changed into some other clothes I had in my pack...the only other clothes I had. I pulled on a tight white singlet with thick straps and a low neckline, a loose baggy grey t-shirt and some navy blue skinny jeans with rips in them. I laced up my dad's leather work boots and walked out. My hair wasn't too messy so I just left it as it was.

As I walked into the cafeteria, I saw Lori, Rick, and Glenn sitting at the table. Glenn was moaning and groaning about being drunk and having a hangover.

"Urghhh, don't ever let me drink again." moaned Glenn with his head in his hands. I patted his back and nodded in sympathy.

"Yeah, why do you think I don't drink?," I said with a wry smile on my face and handed him the aspirin Daryl had left on my bedside table, "Here, take these. They'll get rid of your headache. Mostly."

Glenn grimaced and took the painkillers without any trouble. "What do you mean 'mostly'?" He looked up at me obviously in pain.

"I mean, sometimes aspirin doesn't work for hangovers," I responded smirking, "you need the strong stuff. I'm talking Ibuprofen or something with Codeine. Paracetamol or that shit doesn't work." And with that I walked off and stifled a laugh as I heard Glenn groan even more. Poor kid. Well, he's older than me so poor NOT kid!

T-Dog was making some powdered scrambled eggs and it smelt, well, as good as powdered eggs could smell.

"Urgh that smells like rotten egg farts," I grimaced pinching my nose in a dramatic way, trying to get Carl to laugh, "Jeez, I've smelt rubbish bins that smell better than this. It's egg-stremely pungent!" I tried making a joke but no one really laughed. Jenner got up and sat down. I saw Shane walk in as well and look at me. I had my hand on my sheath for my hunting knife and death stared him.

"Morning everyone." Jenner greeted us as the others walked in. As soon as Daryl saw Shane looking at me, he moved right next to where I was sitting.

"Thanks for the aspirin," I mumbled in Daryl's general direction, "even though I gave it to Glenn. Poor kid's severly hung over."
I looked over at him and saw him staring daggers at Shane. Dale came in and started grilling Jenner.

"I hate to bomb you with questions as you've just woken up Dr Jenner," Dale started.

"But you will anyway." Jenner mumbled, clearly not happy about being questioned.

"But we didn't come here for breakfast." Dale looked to Jenner expectantly. Jenner knew what he was talking about so nodded and motioned everone to follow him. I decided not to go because a) Shane was going and b) I didn't really want to know about the virus. All I knew was it turned the living into cannabalistic undead and that to survive you had to kill everyone you loved.

I decided to head to the Rec Room and read one of the books lying around. I picked one up titled "Catch 22". It sounded interesting enough and pretty soon I was engulfed in a world of mystery and excitement. I was interrupted by the sound of something whizzing and wurring so I looked down the hallway and panicked. What once was a hallway leading to the Control Room was now a dead end!

I ran to the door and slammed and yelled as much as I could. I could hear Rick and Daryl both yelling something but I couldn't make it out.

"Kmft ms thsmt ymhf?," a voice on the other side of the door said, "Thm dr s lckd md wr tpd!" I roughly knew what they had just said because I had amazing hearing and could translate it. What it had said was "Kat, is that you? The door is locked and we're trapped!"

Oh shit no.

HAI PPL HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER IT WAS HARD TO WRITE AND I CHANGED IT MULTIPLE TIMES!! TYSMMMM for nearly 400 reads on Quotev! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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