Chapter 17 - The Grass Is Greene-er On The Other Side

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Ok, back to the present... hope you liked reading about Kat's past. Her brothers may or may not... or may come back in a later (or sooner) chapter so hold on to your horses (hint hint) ;)

The gravel crunched underneath the weight of Daryl's motorcycle as we rolled up the long, winding driveway leading to a large white farmhouse. I didn't know how I could hear the gravel over the roar of the Triumph's un-muffled engine. We came to a gate and the bike halted so Andrea could jump out of the RV and open it. We started moving again but I tapped Daryl's shoulder to try and get him to stop.

"Hey!," I yelled over the roar of the bike, "Shouldn't we close the gate? It looks like it should be closed."

"Nah, it should be fine!" Daryl called over his shoulder. I sighed and rested my head between his shoulder blades as we rolled forward and up the driveway. I felt him tense as any bodily contact to him was like someone had just punched him in the face and was going back for another hit. We finally reached the house and I saw a young woman, a little older than me racing to meet us.

"Hey, did you close the gate?" was the first and most important question she asked. I gave Daryl a look and raised my eyebrow, getting a scoff and eyeroll in return.

"No sorry, do you want me to go close it?," I walked up to her and offered my hand, "I'm Kat."

"Well I'm Maggie, and my dad owns this farm," She smiled warmly at me and shook my hand, then suddenly remembered I had just said we'd left the gate open, "oh! Yes, but it's a bit of a walk. Do you know how to ride?" My eyes snapped up to meet hers as I thought she just said "can I ride". I nodded my head violently and trotted eagerly next to her.

"Well, Trooper's all saddled up so you can ride him down to the gate." She waved over at a stable so I went over and looked. I saw a gorgeous bay stallion, muscles rippling under it's silky-smooth brown coat with the most heart-melting brown eyes. He tossed his head and whickered, looking directly into his eyes and I was done. Fully in love.

"Uhm, Kat?," Maggie said with a worried look on her face, snapping me out of my trance, "Can you ride?"

"Y-yeah, I can," I mumbled going red in the face, "Just, this horse is gorgeous and I can't wait to ride him."

I pulled myself up onto Trooper's muscular back, my legs wrapping around his sides and giving them a gentle squeeze to get him moving. I trotted out of the barn and down the driveway, everyone staring at me riding a huge 17-hand stallion and looking amazing doing it.

"Kat, you didn't say you could ride." Glenn said, looking completely and utterly shocked.

"Well, there wasn't a need," I waved nonchalantly at him, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go close a gate NOBODY BOTHERED TO CLOSE!" My eyes snapped to Andrea, who looked around at all the guys and back to me in jealousy. We continued down the driveway and I dismounted to close the gate and lock it. I heard moaning and looked up to see a Walker stumbling towards me and my beautiful bay stallion, mouth gaping and shrieking.

"Nuh uh, not this time." I muttered under my breath and remounted Trooper pulling my knife from it's sheath. With the flick of a wrist, I sent the blade sailing into it's rotted out head, instantly killing it and making it collapse in a heap on the ground. I jumped the gate and retrieved my hunting knife from the Walker's bloodied head and remounting Trooper for the second time.

"Kat! Come over here for a second." I heard Rick call so I squeezed the stallion's sides with my legs, urging him on to go faster. I had my hand on my Glock 17's handle, just in case something a little funky was going down. As I came to a halt on Trooper, my eyes flicked towards two slightly older boys, both with very very dirty red hair and piercing green eyes.

"Yeah, what?" I asked as I jumped off the horse and pulled the reins over his head to hold him still. My gaze still flicked between Rick and the two strangers in suspicion.

"Well, first of all," Rick did his weird leany-forward-tilty-head thingy and look me straight in the eyes, "were you going to steal Trooper? Because I saw you hanging around the gate for a little while and it just crossed mine and Hershel's minds."

Really, Rick? That's important? "Uh, no. I don't know if you could see but I just stopped a party crasher from crashing your party." Everyone looked at me with quizzical looks, except the two boys, who looked like they were in shock. "You know, a Walker? Jeez. But uh, I don't think that's the most important thing." I hinted, motioning towards the two strangers.

"Kat, uh, this is Marcos and Sean. They say they know you?" It took a second for that to register. It couldn't be.

Dun, dun DUUUUUUN!!! Ha ha, hope you liked this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it so enjoy it. I will most likely release the next one tomorrow or the next day, depending on how long it takes to write and such. But anyway, I am now on and Commaful, both fanfic sites. Please share this story and thanks so much for the support and reads! ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

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