Chapter 21 - Not So Friendly

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"There's Walkers in the barn." Shane muttered, rubbing his face. Daryl and I ran over to see who had yelled and saw Rick's eyes nearly bulging out of his skull. I raced over to where the men were talking and jumped in before the conversation ended in someone shooting someone else in the head.

"Yes our lovely hosts have been hiding something from us, haven't you?" I looked at Hershel, Maggie and Patricia who were standing on their porch, looking utterly bewildered.

"Walkers? Those are not Walkers! They are our family, neighbors and friends we're helping." Hershel protested, Maggie comforting Beth who was sobbing her eyes out.

I shook my head, "Those," I hissed pointing at the barn, "are not human anymore. They were, now they're something else. Cruel, unfeeling monsters that only know how to do one thing: Hunt and eat. How can you not see that?"

"Sorellina, what are you talking about?" Sean asked as my two brothers meandered over, wondering what all the commotion was.

"They're hiding Walkers in the barn." I stated simply. Marcos' jaw clenched in anger and Sean looked at me like I'd just said the world's about to blow up. I wish it had.

"Stop calling them Walkers like they're not human! They're just sick!," Hershel sputtered, waving his arms around, "And I won't have any of you doing anything like shooting them while my family and I are here. This is my farm and they are my family, so either deal with it or leave!" And with that, the Greene family stormed inside.

"Well, that went swimmingly, didn't it Shane?," I glared at the man standing next to me, a guilty look crossing his face, "I especially love how you weren't even subtle about how you said it."

"Well, what're we gonna do?" He asked, exasperated.

"Nothing. This is his farm and unless we want to be out on our asses within five seconds, we're not going to meddle, okay?" I looked around at everyone, making sure they didn't have any grievances about what I'd just said. It wouldn't matter if they did anyway, I'd just punch them in the face and tell them to shut up and deal with it.

"Kat, are you sure about this?," Sean asked me, his piercing green gaze bored into mine, "I mean, if we leave the Walkers in there they could break through it at any given time."

I layed my hands gently on my older brother's shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes, "We can't do anything to risk losing this safe haven," I told him firmly, "I'm not thinking about myself, I'm thinking about this group. Carol, the kids, Lori. Okay?"

"Mm, yeah okay," he sighed, giving up the argument, "also I'm onto you and Daryl. I've got my eye on him, cara."

My eyes widened, looking at my brother as he sauntered away, tugging Marcos' arm and continuing back to the camp. I sighed, rubbing my face and groaning inwardly. What was I going to do? There are Walkers in a flimsy little barn that's half rotted and could break at any time.

"Hey," Daryl walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my hair, "don' worry, it'll be fine. We'll work this shit out."

I smiled at the redneck's uncharacteristic display of affection and leaned into his embrace, sighing in content, "I know, I'm more worried about Shane doing something," I admitted, turning around and slinging my arms around his neck, "he's not exactly, how do you say... stable."

"Yeah, I know. I've got my eye on 'im." Daryl glared in the semi-bald man's direction, a low growl rising in his throat.

"Hey, I'm gonna go see if Carol's doing okay," the thought had just crossed my mind, "I can't believe I haven't even seen her yet!"

" 'kay, just don' do anythin' stupid." Daryl muttered, planting a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at him, returning the favour and kissing him on the cheek softly and bounding off towards the Greene household.

// Daryl's P.O.V \\

I watched Kat skip off in the direction of the Greene household, watchin' her carefully an' makin' sure she wasn't in any danger. She was a handful an' liked to do thing 'erself, but that's what I loved 'bout 'er. I walked slowly over to our group's camp, proddin' the fire to make sure it didn't go out. That was the last thing we needed.

"Daryl," I heard a voice call from beside me. My eyes snapped up, meetin' the intense gaze of a lanky red headed boy about Kat's age. He had the same green eyes she had as well. I guessed he was 'er brother, "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, what about?" I asked in a gruff tone, narrowin' my eyes at the redheaded teenager.

"About you and my sister," He stated simply, "just have some questions."

I looked at 'im an' tilted my head. He had some questions? Who did this kid think 'e was? I 'spose he was just lookin' out fer 'is little sister, so I nodded, signalin' 'im to go on.

"Do you promise to take care of my sister and protect her with your life?" He asked, 'is gaze narrowin' an' borin' into my soul.

"Yeah, 'course I do, what kinda question is that?" I answered defensively, screwin' up my face an' standin' up as he did."

"Good. I'm Sean by the way," he held out 'is hand fer me to shake, but I just looked 'im up an' down, shakin' my head, "that's my younger brother Marcos." Another redheaded boy came over, but 'e looked a little more intimidated by me an' 'is brother. I nodded at 'im, brushin' my pants off and went to walk away, turnin' back and walkin' back up to the two of 'em.

"Hey, I'm gon' take good care of yer sister," I promised, softenin' my gaze, "that girl means everythin' ta me."

"She does to us as well, that's why I was making sure you were a good person." Sean told me, walkin' back to their tent with... what was 'is name? Marcus? Marco? Shit, I couldn't remember but it didn't matter. I never was good with names and all that stupid crap. I walked to my own tent, waitin' fer Kat ta come but ended up fallin' asleep.

A/N hi everyone sorry I've been so busy and occupied with some family dramas (urgh) I'm glad I finally got to do some writing from our favourite redneck's point of view. I really had to channel my inner Daryl and wrote this, hope it sounded like Daryl. There are some suprises coming, some good some bad but hey, enjoy the book!

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