Chapter 10 - The Trouble With Phobias

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"Please don't make me do this." I begged Shane with tears in my eyes as he was pulling me towards Jenner and the chair.

"It'll only take a second, he'll be very gentle." He said, then my fear took over me. I didn't even know what I was doing and all I saw was panic and scars. I ripped my arm away from Shane's grip and punched him in the face, running for the door, trying desperately to yank it open. It was locked. Then I felt arms around me and I tried to elbow whoever was behind me.

"Fuck Kat, calm down. It's just a blood test. It ain't gonna be that bad." I heard Daryl say through clenched teeth trying to hold me still, and I started to relax a little. He let me go and I looked at everyone.

"Shit she has a damn good right hook." I heard Shane mumble as Lori was nursing his bloodied, crooked nose which was very obviously broken. I looked at Jenner and walked a little closer.

"You come near me with that thing," I growled, "I promise you I will put a knife in the base of your skull. The only way you'd get blood from me is if I was dead." Jenner looked positively terrified and mumbled something about not neccesary for me to have a blood test.

"The hell'd you break Shane's nose for?" Daryl asked in a hushed voice as he walked up to me. I turned to face him and he saw I had tears in my eyes.

"I have a really bad phobia of needles." I muttered.

"Why?" he asked and I tensed at the question. I didn't want to answer and I started to panic again.

"None of your fucking buisness." I snapped at him and stormed off. I felt Daryl's eyes following me and I instantly felt really awful.

We were walking to the cafeteria and eveyone was starving so we had all perked up at the mention of food from Jenner. We bundled into a lift and went down.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked warily

"Are you claustrophobic?" Jenner quizzed and she nodded, "Well, try not to think about it.

It was a super tight squeeze which was awkward enough, then on top of that I was squashed next to Daryl and I felt really bad for snapping at him.

"Hey uh, Daryl?" I started and he just grunted in acknowledgement, "um, I'm sorry for snapping at you... it's not your fault." He turned his head to look at me and his face softened.

" 's fine. I ain't that keen on 'em either." He responded in a quiet voice. I felt better that he was kind of the same as me and I smiled at him. That was probably pushing it too far because he just looked away awkwardly. We all flooded out of the lift and into the cafeteria. Jenner got some frozen pizzas from a huge freezer and and put them in the oven to heat up.

When the pizzas came out, everyone's mouthes were watering as we hadn't had food for so long. Jenner pulled out some red wine for the adults and some soft drink for the kids.

"Kat, you're 19, right?," Lori asked me and I nodded, my mouth full of pizza, "Here, I'll pour you some wine too then." and she reached for my cup to fill it but I shook my head and swallowed.

"Nah, I don't drink. My friends all called me a square but there's a reason I don't," I started and everyone looked at me for an explanation, "Well, my family are all Italian and Irish so you can imagine the tempers. Then throw in some alcohol and you've got fist-fight fuel. It pays to know how to punch and seperate fights."

Everyone was silent. Aw man a repeat of the Walker incident. Then Glenn started laughing and pretty soon everyone joined in. Even Daryl sniggered a bit but I'm pretty sure it was just because he was drunk. Rick wanted Carl to try some wine but he hated it and Shane suggested he stuck to soda. Glenn stopped drinking as he was getting shit-face drunk but Daryl stepped in.

"No, not you Glenn." He said, "Keep drinking, little man. I wanna see how red ya face can get." Everyone laughed at that.

I was glad we were here but something niggled in my stomach telling me this was not all as it seemed.

Hey everyone, I just want to thank you all so much for 145 reads on Quotev! I'll update every 1-2 days as it's a little hard to update every day. And thank you to my 3 new followers (also Quotev) and 1 follower on Wattpad, it means alot!

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