Chapter 14 - Where It Began Before It Began

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I threw all my stuff into my black and silver suitcase and jumped up and down and up and down on it until it was close enough together that I could zip it shut.

"Katherine, sei quasi pronta?," I heard my mum yell out from downstairs, "Dobbiamo andare!" Katherine, are you almost ready? We have to go!

"Si, mamma! Quasi!" Yes mum, nearly! I responded and lugged my suitcase down the stairs with deafening clomps. I guess that's why it's called "luggage". I could hear my three brothers all fighting in Irish and Italian, something about girls or who was better looking or something. I went into the kitchen where Nonna was making some biscotti to take on the plane.

"Ehm, nonna? Non possiamo portare cibo sull'aereo!," Uh, Nonna? We cannot bring food on the plane! I quickly told her as I ran past her into the kitchen and grabbed some biscotti from the tray, "Immagino che dovremo mangiarlo tutto ora!" I guess we'll have to eat it all now!

I couldn't believe we were moving over to the USA. I was going through the pros and cons in my head to take my mind off having to leave Australia and all my friends along with it.


1. Guns are legal

2. Uhmm... food portions are bigger?

I was mainly excited about being able to legally own a firearm without a license. Finally I could practice my shooting and target practice. Now time for the cons:

1. It's America

2. My friends won't be there

3. They're kind of annoying

4. It snows in winter so it'll be fucking freezing

5. Nonna can't come

6. The guys are supposed to be complete perverts

So all in all, a lotta cons, not many pros.. but whatever.

"Katherine bogadh do thóin!," Katherine move your ass! I heard Liam yell at me from the car as I was lost in thought about pros and cons. I ran out the door calling out my goodbyes to Nonna and my dogs, Douchebag and Smol Bean. I slammed the door and hurdled the gate, flying into the car and slamming into Liam who had already braced for impact.

"Fucking hell, Kat! Do I look like a battering ram?" Liam glared at me and I scrambled off him.

"Do you want the honest answer, or a lie?" I shot back cheekily and smirked at him. He shoved me to the side and muttered something under his breath about me being like a cyclone.


The plane ride was boring so I put my IPods in and listened to Hot Girl Bummer by BlackBear. The lyrics started blaring out of the little pods and I started singing along. This song was my national anthem and I zoned out completely.

Fuck you, and you, and youuuuuu
I hate your friends they hate me too
I'm through, I'm through, I'm throughhhh
This that hot girl bummer anthem turn it up and throw a tantrum

This that hot girl bummer anthem turn it up and throw a tantrum
This that throw up in your burkin bag hook up with someone random
This that social awkward suicide that bite your lips and buy you likes
I swear she had a man but shit hit different when it's Thursday night

That college dropout music everyday leg day she be too thick
And my friends are all annoying but we go dumb, yeah we go stupid
This that 10k on the table just so we could be secluded
But the vodka came diluted one more line I'm super human


Marcos elbowed me in the ribs quietly signaling me to shut the fuck up we're on a plane. I scowled at him and flipped him the finger, turning the music off and deciding I would try and sleep.

"Katherine stoptar suas tá muid ar eitleán soith dúr!" Katherine shut up we are on a plane stupid bitch! Marcos hissed at me because I was still humming the tune. I punched him in the shoulder and flipped him off again. I finally drifted off to sleep and dreamt of owning an AK-47. Well, owning an AK-47 legally.

Hey guys hope you've enjoyed this flashback chapter! The next few chapters are going to be flashbacks so enjoy and pls vote, heart and comment on what you think of Kat's early days!

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