Chapter 4 - All Hell Breaks Loose

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"Slow down a bit, Daryl. There was a... problem in Atlanta." Shane said warily, trying not to set him off. Daryl apparently had a very bad temper and saying the wrong thing, well... I was about to find out.

"He dead?" Daryl prodded.

"We're not sure." Replied Shane

"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl snapped

"No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it." Rick jumped into the conversation. Probably shouldn't have.

"Who are you?" Daryl questioned.

"Rick Grimes." He replied

"Rick Grimes, you got something to tell me?" Daryl asked in a mocking tone.

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal," Rick was trying not to trigger Daryl, but he wasn't helping his chances talking in such a nonchalant tone, "He's still there."

"Hold on, lemme process this," Oh God, here we go, "You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?"

"Yeah." Rick responded in a low tone. Within two seconds, Daryl charged at Rick, knife in hand and Shane lunged at Daryl but missed. I jumped for his hand, knocking the knife out of it and throwing it on the ground. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back and grabbed his other arm, getting him in an arm lock and wrestling him to the ground. It must've looked pretty funny, a nineteen year old girl with twigs for arms, crash-tackling a full grown man to the ground and getting him in a police arrest hold.

"GET OFF ME, YOU STUPID BITCH," Daryl yelled at me, so I did. Then Shane got him in a choke hold and crash-tackled him again.

"You'd best let me go!" Daryl growled at Shane.

"Nah, I think it's better if I don't." Shane said, matter-of-factly

"Choke hold's illegal." Daryl spat.

"You can file a complaint." I couldn't help sniggering at the comment, but I got shot looks again by everyone. Jeez, I was just tryna lighten the mood!

"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?," Rick got up in Daryl's face, "Do you think we can manage that?"

"Mmm, yeah." Daryl was starting to calm down, seeing as he couldn't really do anything. Shane let him out of the choke hold and Rick continued reasoning his decision.

"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work or play well with others." Rick reasoned with Daryl, "But it doesn't mean I'm not going back to get him." Daryl stared at Rick, wondering if he was joking or something. Looks like a rescue mission was going to be in place.

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