Chapter 11 - Shock

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IMPORTANT TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains rape and discussion of rape so please be careful. Sorry I put this in but I need to make clear why Shane deserves what's coming for him.

After dinner, Jenner had mentioned rooms and hot water so I made a dash for the showers. I had never been so happy to wash myself in my life! I can't believe I had complained about showers when I was younger. I washed my hair about 5 times and brushed my teeth for half an hour. When I was done, I was ripping my hairbrush through my thick auburn hair in the "Rec Room" as Jenner had called it. Lori came in and offered to do my hair and I wasn't about to refuse. I was in pain! She was alot more gentle brushing and she put it up in a braided but thing.

As she walked out I yelled my thanks in the form of, "Hey, Lori! You're not a complete bitch after all!" and she turned around and shot me a look. As I picked a book up and started flipping the pages, Shane entered the room and I got a weird feeling that he was gonna do something he was going to regret. I could tell he was shit-face drunk and smelt strongly of alcohol.

"Hey Kat, how're you feeling?" He asked as he looked me up and down. That put me on edge.

"Yeah, better after a shower," I answered casually and eyed him, "What are you doing?"

"Just came to check on you," He moved closer and sat on the couch next to me. I shifted over uncomfortably and continued to read my book. He moved his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek, "didn't want you to be alone."

I slapped his hand away and went to stand up and walk out, but he had other ideas. Shane clapped his hand over my mouth and pulled me under him so I was laying down on the couch. I was trying to scream and kick and fight as much as I could, but he was too strong. I was terrified and crying. I felt like a ragdoll being thrown around as he tried to rip my clothes off and touch me in an undignified way. The only reason I wasn't raped properly is because of Lori.

My eyes darted over to the doorway and widened at the sight of Lori, standing there in complete shock. She ran out into the hallway screaming for Rick or anyone. Shane went wide eyed and turned to look at the doorway then I made MY move. I shuffled further under him and donkey kicked him in the stomach, sending him sprawling backwards crying out in pain. I ran for the door and saw Rick and Daryl running my way and I ran even faster, straight into Daryl.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHANE?" Rick yelled and I pointed in the Rec Room. I flung my arms around Daryl's neck and started sobbing and shaking, in complete shock about what just happened. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked in disgust and fury at the doorway where Shane had suddenly appeared. He was clutching his stomach and I wondered if I had ruptured an organ, but I didn't care. All I saw was red. Disgust. Shock.

"THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?" Daryl let me go and walked towards Shane.

"I didn't do anything," Shane lied, "I was just trying to make her feel better and she kicked me in the stomach."

"Make me feel better my ass!, " I screamed at him, charging to where he was and got in his face, "YOU TRIED TO FUCKING RAPE ME!" Daryl looked from me to Shane and anger engulfed him.

"I did not!" Shane pleaded, but I'd had enough. I clenched my fists and punched him as hard as I could in the nose. I heard a crack and wasn't sure if it was me or him. He fell to the ground and I got on top of him, repeatedly smashing my fist into his face over and over until I'm pretty sure my knuckles were broken. Daryl grabbed my hand and moved me out of the way, continuing to beat the absolute shit out of Shane.

"You think it's funny to rape women?," Daryl hissed in Shane's bloodied, beaten face, "she's nineteen, you pedophile. You ever touch her again, I will fucking murder you. Is that fucking clear?" Shane nodded and Rick pulled Daryl off him.

"Alright, Daryl. Go check if Kat's okay," Rick said to Daryl in a serious tone, "I'll deal with Shane." Daryl grunted and laid one more kick into Shane's stomach with a deafening thud. His face was filled with hate and disgust and horror, completely shocked at what had happened. I had walked off to be by myself and think. I can't believe that had happened. I hope that fucking bastard gets torn to shreds by Walkers. I drifted off to sleep as I hadn't realized how late it was thinking what would have happened if Lori hadn't have seen that.

HAY GUYSSSS LONG TIME NO, uh... write? I'm so glad to be back writing! I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, wondering if I should leave out the rape but it wouldn't have made sense about what happens in the next chapters! Hope you enjoyed it and pls pls pls let me know in the comments what you thought and how I can make it better!

TheWalkingDeadWorld xxxxx

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