Chapter 5 - The Retrieval Mission

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"Now hold on just a minute," Shane was exasperated that Rick would go back and rescue Merle, "Could you tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?"

"Hey, choose your words more carefully." Daryl snapped at Shane. He turned to face Daryl.

"No, I did. Douchebag's what I meant," Shane turned back to Rick, "Merle Dixon... the guy who wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst."

"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me," Rick continued, "I can't let a man die of Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being."

Rick was beginning to assemble a small group of men to go and get Merle off the roof. So far it was Rick, Daryl and Glenn but I don't think Glenn wanted to go as I saw him complaining to Rick. So I stepped up.

"Hey, Rick. I wanna come too. I'm a good shot and I'm faster than all three of you." I told Rick, but he declined.

"That girl ain't comin'. She'd be a dead weight with that leg," Daryl jumped in before Rick could respond, "we don't need no more responsibilities."

"Sorry, Kat. Maybe next time." Rick agreed and shot me a sympathetic look.

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud. Guess I was gonna be stuck washing clothes with Jacqui, Lori, Carol, Amy and Andrea. I trudged away from the cube truck and followed the ladies to the pick up Ed was driving down to the lake. As we pulled off, I saw T-Dog join the threesome going to rescue Merle and thought that could've been me.

"Aw man I hate washing clothes!," I looked up at the sky and dropped the shirt I was washing, "how am I stuck doing this when I thought this would be my lucky break of never having chores again?" I picked the shirt up again and continued washing it.

"I miss my coffee maker with that dual-drip filter and built in grinder, honey." Jacqui joined in with the other ladies reminiscing about what they missed the most, so I joined in.

"I miss electricity." I simply said, not really wanting to say I didn't miss anything.

"I miss my computer... and texting," Amy added with a sigh.

"I miss my vibrator." said Andrea. Everyone ooh-ed at her then Carol added, "Me too" and everyone cracked up.

"What's so funny?" Ed came over to see what all the laughing was about

"Just swapping war stories," Andrea replied "Problem, Ed?"

"Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought' ta focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." Ed huffed

"Come on, lighten up," I added jokingly, "we're the ones stuck with the boringest job in the world. The least you could do is let us have some fun!" Ed narrowed his eyes at me and told Carol to come with him, yanking her arm towards the truck.

"Hey, come on. She doesn't want to go with you," Andrea stood up for Carol, "The only reason you want her to come with you is to give her fresh bruises. We've all seen them"

"You piece of shit, you bash your wife?" I was furious. I got between Carol and Ed and got up in his face, "What kind of asshole beats his wife in the middle of an apocalypse? You touch her one more time and I'll-"

"You'll what? What can you do, huh? You're just a weak, scared little girl." Ed hissed in my face. I'd had enough.

"I'll show you what I'll do." I leaned back and punched him in the mouth as hard as I could and sent him staggering backwards. What did I do that for?

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