Chapter 13 - Figurative and Literal Bombshells

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"H.I.T.s - high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consists of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5,000 and 6,000 degrees and is used when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired."

I heard a voice booming through the speakers. H.I.T. This place was gonna get blown into tiny little bits and us along with it. I panicked and ran down the hallway into the Rec Room in hopes that there was going to be something, anything to help me break down the door. Nothing. Then I heard a whooshing sound and people yelling.

"Come on, let's get outta here!," I heard Daryl yell, "Kat, come on we gotta go NOW!"

I ran to where the voice was and saw him standing there waiting for me with my stuff packed back into my backpack. I yanked it out of his grasp and sprinted to where everyone else was going.

We came to the entrance but the doors were still locked, so we tried smashing the glass. Tried.

"FUCK!," Rick cursed as he rifled through his bag, obviously looking for something useful, "Come on... it's gotta be in here somewhere."

Then I remembered. A grenade! I had seen it in the bag of guns they had retrieved from Atlanta so I pocketed it, thinking it would come in handy for something. This was that "thing".

"Hey, Rick," I ran over to him, "Looking for this?" I handed him the grenade and ran for the stairwell.

"Everyone, get down!" Rick pulled the pin, threw the grenade and dove for the stairs. Daryl pulled me under him and turned his back on the windows. BLAMMMM. We hurdled the broken window and made a dash for the cars. A couple of Walkers must've heard all the exploding and yelling and came stumbling towards the sound.

"TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" I sent an arrow straight through it's eye, ripping through the undead's decaying flesh and straight into the other Walker's eye.

"Come on Kat!" Daryl called impatiently. I ripped the arrow out of the decaying flesh and ran for Daryl's truck.

"Jeez, I'm coming..." I muttered as I jumped in through the door and slammed it shut, ducking down behind it for some protection.

"Wait... DALE AND ANDREA!!!" I peeked my head up and saw the pair hobbling for some sandbags and ducking down.

"Kat!" Daryl shoved my head below the window just in time. We all heard what sounded like a rush of air and a muffled BOOM. The air heated up unbearably and then it was over. My ears were ringing and everything was blurry. I looked out the window towards the Planetarium-esque building and realized it was gone. A pile of rubble.


We stopped at a gas station and got out, siphoning fuel out of Daryl's truck, Shane's Jeep and T-Dog's car, putting it into the RV, Carol's Wagon and Merle's motorbike.

"Alright, where do we go now?" T-Dog asked Rick and everyone looked in the pair's direction, waiting for an answer. I just leaned against Daryl's pick-up and listened.

"Well, we should try heading north, see what's there. Who knows? There might be a FEMA camp set up for survivors." Rick answered confidently.

"Yep, just sitting there. A whooooole camp FULL of people all holding hands singing "Kumbaya"." I added sarcastically and walked towards the RV.

"Why, you don't think they'll be there?," Rick quizzed me, tilting his head slightly, "You don't know they're not."

"Yeah, we also don't know they are," I shot back, "This could be a potential risk. Say we find it, huh? We go in, it's overrun. Walkers everywhere, herd outside drawn by the sound. Then what? We all get torn to shreds? No thank-a you sir!" I walked over to where Rick was standing and crossed my arms in a matter-of-fact way.

"Well, then, what do YOU suggest we do, huh?" Rick questioned, moving forward and cocking his head even more.

"Well, if your really asking," I said slowly and walked over to the map and pointed to Newnan, "I think we should try here. There's a hell of a lotta badass people here that I know. They can survive. We should try. Head down Highway 58, it's a straight shot. Make a hell of a lot more sense than heading "North"."

"Alright then, Newnan it is." Rick confirmed and everyone went to either the RV or Carol's Wagon.

"Hey, Kat," Daryl called and I turned around, "Ya ridin' with me. Ya ain't goin' anywhere near Officer Asshole over there."

I was secretly hoping he'd ask me to ride with him. I'd grown fond of the crazy-ass crossbow wielding redneck. Almost...kinda...was crushing on him. I nodded and threw my quiver, bow and backpack over my shoulder and jumped on the back of the '71 Triumph and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Hold on." He called back at me and started up the bike. It roared to life and shot forward. I squealed and held on tighter. I didn't expect it to shoot forward so fast. Daryl scoffed a little and smirked, cruising forward, picking up speed. Here we go!

HI EVERYONE SO SORRY FOR TAKING AGES RELEASING! I changed it about 5 times before updating and everything. Enjoy this chapter and hope you're liking the progression of Kat and Daryl's relationship. It's not obvious but it kind of is XD

TYSMMMMM FOR 540 READS ON Quotev! I'm gonna encourage you all to share it on Wattpad, spread the word coz I don't think alot of you are on Wattpad. Also just a shout-out for AmberDixon8 on Wattpad! She's written 2 fanfics and they're pretty damn awesome. Also check out Just Gone by WheresMyPenn! SO GOOD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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