Chapter 16 - When The Dead Roam

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oof get ready for a long one! pls bear with me and read through! ENJOYYYY

"This is Fox News, bringing you the latest in news, sports, weather and entertainment," A voice on the radio crackled to life in our trusty old Jeep Wrangler as we drove along the road, heading for the closest Maccas as we were in desperate need of a crispy chicken caesar McWrap, "We now go live to our reporter Cindy McMullins as she has heard reports of, I'm sorry, am I reading this right? We're getting reports of the dead walking the streets and attacking people! Okay, Cindy over to you."

Liam and I exchanged looks as we thought it was all a load of steaming bullshit, but we kept listening anyway.

"Uh, Cindy? You receiving us okay?," We heard screaming and groans on the other end of the radio and then static. "O...kay... we'll have to check back in later wi-" The broadcast cut out and sirens started blaring out of speakers all over Atlanta.

"Liam," I whispered as I looked out the front of the Jeep, "Liam, look." I grabbed his arm and shook it.

"Kat! Jeez I'm trying to see what's" Liam then saw what I was seeing and slowly got out of the car, Glock 17 in hand. I pulled Marcos and Sean forward who were currently in the middle of insulting each other in Italian and doing offensive hand signals at each other.

" I seeing that right or were those corner shop Doritos laced with something nasty?" Sean's voice wavered in shock as we all stared at what was happening in front of us. A woman was on top of a man, who was screaming at the top of his lungs, tearing flesh out of his shoulder, blood dripping down out of her mouth and eating him. Alive.

"Mio dio," I breathed and grabbed my dad's colt python out of the centre console and loaded it, turning the safety off. I pushed the car door open and slowly edged towards where Liam was, eyes fixed on the woman, wondering what to do next. He signed for me to get back in the car and moved inch by inch, closer and closer to the two people. Then everything seemed to go in slow motion.

"LIAM TURN AROUND!" I screamed at the top of my lungs towards my brother, who didn't see the "dead person" staggering towards him, jaws chattering in anticipation of the taste of living flesh. I was too late. It grabbed Liam, who panicked and swung his arm around, trying to slam it in the head. Instead, he put his wrist in it's blood soaked mouth and it bit down on him, bones crunching, blood spurting everywhere.

"No, no no no no NO!," I sprinted at the undead and with all my strength, struck the butt of my gun into it's head and ripped Liam's wrist out of it's mouth, "No Liam, no. Please don't go." I sobbed and shuddered, holding him up as the life slowly drained out of his face.

"Fuck...Kat, we need to go, NOW." I lifted my head to see a large group of dead people limping towards us, groaning and screeching, trying to kill us. I got up, wiping the tears away from my eyes and ran after my brothers towards the car. Sean jumped into the driver's seat and started the car, tearing his eyes away from Liam now slowly rising with a new look in his eyes. One thing was for sure, he wasn't the Liam we knew and loved.

"Ok, we need to head home, get our packs and get the fuck out of Atlanta, alright?," Sean looked across at me and looked in the rearview mirror at Marcos, who was shaking and trying not to cry. He managed to nod and looked out the window, blinking away the hot tears in his eyes, "Good. Kat, you ready to go?"

"Y-yeah, I'm ready." I stuttered and took a deep breath in as we pulled into our driveway. We ran through the house, calling for our parents when we heard two high pitched whines and moans. We froze and turned around, coming face-to-face with our now-reanimated parents. I let out a cry of anguish as I saw two large wounds on my mum's shoulder, seeping blood and exposing her bone. My dad's face was nearly completely missing. All that was left was the top of his head and half a jaw, all oozing blood and god knows what.

"Marcos." I squeaked and put my hand on my knife's sheath, pulling the hunting knife out and running forward, plunging it into both of my dear parent's heads. I had figured out that damaging the brain was the most successful way to kill them. Permanently. Marcos came tearing around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at me then my knife, then our parents.

"Uh, I- We need to go. Now," Marcos stammered, eyes tearing up again, "I've packed your bag." We heard a scream outside and instantly recognised the person it was coming from. We tore outside, guns loaded, safety off and saw, to our relief, that creepy guy that had tried to crack onto me at the corner shop. Two "Walkers" (as I'd decided to name them) were chowing down on his flesh, giving us time to jump in the car and go. Then I felt something hard hit my head... then black.

All I could hear was high pitched whining in my ears and some muffled deep voices. I opened my eyes to see my brothers looking back at me, usually-piercing green eyes filled with fear and sadness.

"Ohhh, what happened?" I mumbled through my delirium, slowly sitting up and holding my hand to my head. I pulled my hand away to inspect it and was shocked to see blood covering my hand and pooling on the ground where I was laying.

"Woah, take it easy. Thought you were one of those...things and smashed you in the back of the head," Sean murmured and blushed, looking away, "Thought you were a goner."

"Yeah, well, next time you try and kill me," I turned to face him dead in the eyes, "make sure you do it right... or you're gonna end up dead." As I finished talking, we heard multiple groans from behind us and saw about twenty Walkers stalking towards us, arms out in anticipation.

"RUN!" Marcos yelled and helped me to my feet. We set off running as fast as we could and I tripped, sending my pack flying and losing track of Sean and Marcos. I pulled myself to my feet and looked around. Atlanta was burning and sirens were blaring in my ears. I took off running again and hoped my brothers were okay, hoping I would see them again. No, I would see them again.

Hey everyone! Sorry this took soooo looong to release but I had multiple things to photoshoot, seeing friends etc. Sorry it's so long but I wanted it to all make sense so hope you enjoyed!

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