Chapter 2 - Call Me Kat

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My eyes felt like they'd been glued together when I finally woke up. I was in a tent. I sat up slowly and remembered my leg. It had been bandaged up by someone. Hm, maybe the Asian guy wasn't as incompetent as I thought. I pushed myself to my feet and staggered towards the flap. I unzipped it slowly, waiting for a Walker to pounce on top of me, but it never came. Instead, I opened the flap to see a group of women sitting around a campfire next to an RV. What was this place?

"Hey, you're finally awake. How's your leg?" I spun around to see the Asian boy, what was his name... Glenn!

"Yeah, it's feeling okay, I guess," Trying to look tough, but instead completely failing and looking like a complete idiot "How did I get here?"

"Uhm, we, oh God this is gonna sound barbaric, we dragged you into the back of a truck and drove it here while you were unconscious." He said in an awkward tone. I had to laugh because it sounded awful.

"Well congratulations, you made it sound like you kidnapped me and hauled me off to my doom, nice touch," I sniggered, but he didn't laugh, "come on, man it's a joke... Wow okay then." I turned to walk towards the ladies huddled around the fire and the black woman that I thought had looked kind turned around and gave me a warm smile.

"Hey there! How're you feeling? I'm Jacqui, this is Lori, Carol, Andrea, Miranda and Amy," motioning towards the others as they gave a small smile and wave. "come sit down, we're just cooking some dinner." I sat between Carol and Andrea and smiled at them both. Andrea didn't really do anything, bitch, but Carol gave me a small smile as I sat down.

"Hi I'm Katherine O'Donnell, but everyone calls me Kat because Katherine makes me sound like an old lady." I said in my most confident voice. This was my new group, my new life, my new... everything

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