Chapter 18 - Just Like Christmas...Sort Of

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My stare lingered for a while, and so did theirs.

It couldn't be.

It wouldn't be.

Could it?

"Kat? You there?" Rick asked me, tilting his head in concern. Everyone exchanged glances as our stares held for a little longer. I did say a little.

"Mio dio." I whispered under my breath. The three of us stalked closer and closer to eachother until we were all nose-to-nose. I could feel tears in my eyes threatening to spill so I tried not to blink. I say tried but failed. One of the boys stood square infront of me and put his hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears now streaming down my face.

"Te l'avevo detto che prima o poi ci saremmo ritrovati." I told you that sooner or later we would meet again.

That was all he had to say. I threw myself against him and wrapped my arms around his neck, my shoulders heaving as I sobbed and sobbed. Sean squeezed me so tight I let out a little cough and he let go, eyes flicking over every inch of me to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"Ahem." Rick cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at me, wanting an answer. I wiped my eyes and let a small laugh out.

"So uh, you probably want an answer," I commented, pointing out the blatantly obvious, "um, guys, these are my brothers. Sean," I motioned to my left at the tallest boy, "and Marcos." motioning at the shorter, mousier one. I mean, not that Marcos was mousy. He was tall for his age and incredibly over protective. Once, a boy at my school had hit on me and he came in the next day with twenty stitches on his face and a huge black eye!

"Proprio come il Natale, eh?" Just like Christmas, huh? I said casually and we (me, Marcos and Sean,) all cracked up while everyone stared at us like we'd just talked gobbeldy goop.

"What're you all staring at? Can't a family share a laugh?" Sean glared around at the group and nearly all of them turned away.

"We're speaking Italian, testa di cazzo. Ever heard of it?" I said to Rick, staring him down.

"Oh yeah, they're related all right." Shane mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes and walking away towards where the camp had been set up.

"We thought you were dead, sorellina. What happened?" Marcos entangled me in his grasp, kissing my head and looking down at me with concern.

"I tripped and fell and Glenn saved me," I mumbled into his shoulder, "The whole group saved me. Especially Daryl."

We all looked over to Daryl who was shifting from one foot to the other, looking incredibly awkward. Marcos nodded at him and he nodded back, slowly backing away and then turning to jog towards his bike, of which Carl was climbing all over.

"Speaking of which," I pulled away from Marcos' grasp and death-staring him, "what happened to you? You didn't turn back or look for me."

"We did, mia cara but a herd came and we couldn't see you," Sean stepped in for Marcos, "we assumed the worst. And don't death stare me, young lady." He gave me his best dad-look and I just laughed in his face. We walked towards the camp to join the others and eat whatever was there. I was assuming it was either squirrel or deer. Or rabbit. I didn't mind, as long as I was with my family.

Oh wait... you're probably wondering how we got to the Greene's farm, right? Well, let me tell you. Ahem...

"Ugh, it's too hot." Sophia whined as she was comforted by her mother, who was equally boiling. The fucking RV had broken down again and Dale was trying to find a radiatior hose from the littered cars and trucks all over the abandoned highway.

"Dale you nearly done?" I asked Dale as he rifled through the trucks empty-looking engine...compartment...thingy. I'm not a mechanic so what do you expect? I leaned against Daryl's back, sitting on the motorbike. I felt him tense and turn around to look at me, his glare speaking everything. I raised my hands in surrender, walking away.

"Hey, Rick!," I called and saw Rick's head pop up from behind a car, "I'm gonna go see what I can...see. M'kay?"

"Sure, just don't go too far." He gave me a thumbs up and I hopped on the top of a semi, and looked out. I turned and froze as I looked over the hill. About fifty-odd Walkers, stumbling towards us. I wondered if I should jump down and quietly tell everyone there was a herd coming, but I was frozen. I had to yell.

"Walkers! Under the cars, NOW!" I yelled at everyone and immediately they all dropped and hid. Now I had to worry about myself. I lay flat down on the semi's roof, hearing the moans and screeches of the Walkers drawing near.

About five minutes went by and it went horribly wrong. I heard a scream and saw Sophia running from the Walkers, Carol in tow and Rick close behind. I jumped down, thinking I could draw the Walkers away but I couldn't. They followed the three of them into the woods and they were lost. Well, Carol and Sophia were lost, not Rick.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked the obvious question. Rick had his best thinking face on and decided we should look for them.

The next morning, we split up into groups. Rick, Shane and Carl and Me, Daryl, Lori, Andrea and Glenn. Dale and T Dog stayed behind in case they came back and we went our separate ways.

"Are we walking for much longer? My legs are so tired." Andrea whined and I turned around to face her.

"Andrea, shut the hell up," I snapped and moved into her face, "Carol and Sophia are missing and we're going to find them, no matter how long it takes and how tired we are. Keep moving and don't complain."


We spun around at the sound of the gunshot and Lori freaked.

"What was that?! Did they find them? Are they dead? WHAT IF RICK AND CARL ARE DEAD??!!?" Lori was spiraling so I did what every responsible, comforting, caring friend would do.

"SNAP OUT OF IT WOMAN!," I slapped Lori gently but hard enough across the cheek and her eyes (and everyone's) went huge, "Rick is not dead. Carl is not dead. NOBODY is going to die. We're fine, they're fine so KEEP IT TOGETHER!"

It wasn't fine. The gunshot was Carol being shot and she was taken to a farm blah blah blah we came blah blah blah everything's caught up so we'll continue!


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