Chapter 15 - Good Ol' Family Time

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Ping, floopf! The satisfying sound of a bullet pinging off the metal tin can balanced on the fence post, then the tin can falling into the soft cool grass was the most euphoric sound I could think of.

"Ha! Pointe eile dom. A dhuine, tá sé seo ag éirí ró-éasca." Ha! Another point for me. This is getting too easy. I called back to my three brothers, Liam, Marcos and Sean. We were playing "Tin Cans", a game where you had to shoot the tin can off a fence post 300 metres up a field. With no scope. I had really good aim so it came easily to me, but my brothers were even better. They had taught me everything I knew.

"Wow, Kat. Tá tú ag éirí níos fearr agus níos fearr," Wow, Kat. You are getting better and better. Sean sauntered up to take his turn and gave me a sly grin, "ach..." but... Ping! He had been standing a few metres back from me and hit the can straight in the middle, knocking it to the ground with ease. He brushed his vivid auburn hair out of his eyes and lowered the rifle, "níl seans ar bith go mbeidh tú níos fearr ná mise." There is no chance that you will be better than me.

I huffed and turned to go and sit down next to Marcos and Liam, who were currently laughing their asses off at me being beat so easily by Sean. All of my brothers had almost un-human auburn hair and sharp piercing green eyes that almost seemed to stare into your soul. They all had teasing smiles and freckled cheeks against pale, ghostly skin that most girls would swoon over. They loved that fact.

I was the youngest in the family so I was kind of the favourite. My mamma told me when I was born, my brothers were so excited to have a little sister and that I looked exactly like them. The first thing that had been said after I was born was:

"chiunque guardi la mia sorellina nel modo sbagliato desidererà che siano morte." Anyone who looks at my little sister the wrong way will wish they were dead. They loved me and taught me how to defend myself when I was about 14. A boy had tried to kiss me and when I refused, punched me in the mouth so hard my lip busted and blood started pouring out. When my brothers found out, that boy ended up in hospital and my brothers were charged with grievous bodily harm, attempted murder and assault.

"Hey Kat, you in there?" I snapped out of my daydream to see all three of my brothers all staring at me with piercing gazes.

"Yeah, I'm here." I mumbled shrugging the thoughts off and rising to my feet.

"Come on, we should head off or Mamma is going to go beserk," Marcos said as he also stood up, "let's go, Merida."


As we walked down a quiet suburban street, we decided to stop in at a little convenience store on the corner and get something to eat.

"Kat, puoi andare a prendere un pacchetto di Doritos e un paio di Milky Ways?" Kat, can you go get a pack of Doritos and a couple of Milky Ways? Sean said as he handed me a twenty dollar bill. I glanced at him sideways and raised an eyebrow.

"Sì, vostra maestà." Yes, your majesty. I remarked in a sarcastic tone and pushed the door to go into the little corner shop. I went in and grabbed the chips and the chocolate, gave the money to the cashier and walked out, handing the chips and a chocolate bar each to my brothers. "You're welcome."

"Grazie mille." Sean answered and bowed low in a joking way and we cracked up laughing.

"What's so funny?" We heard a voice say behind us. I spun around and came face to face with a boy about Liam's age, so 20. He had thick, wavy blond hair and a pervy smirk on his face when he looked at me.

"Nothing." I muttered and turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. Oof, wrong move.

"Aw, come on sweetheart, don't leave yet," He pleaded in a creepy way, "we were just getting to know each other."

I yanked my hand away and called him a dick head in Italian, turning towards my brothers who were watching him like hawks. Sean stalked towards him until he was only centimetres away from blondie's face and glared at him.

"You ever touch my sister ever again, I will personally put a knife in the base of your skull." He hissed in his face and spun around to grab my hand and walk away.

"Non preoccuparti, non gli permetterò mai più di avvicinarti così tanto." Don't worry, I'll never let him get that close again. Sean mumbled to me and moved me away. Liam and Marcos were I'm pretty sure scaring the living shit out of blondie because he looked like he'd just weed his pants. Man, I had the best brothers.

Hope you liked this chapter, I'm going to get to the virus in the next chapter or the chapter after. Until then, Grazie mille for all the reads and support on both Quotev and Wattpad. Also FYI... they're speaking both Irish and Italian so I have the translations next to the sentences so you know what it says.....BAI <3 <3 <3

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