Chapter 19 - Everlasting Love

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Sitting around the campfire made it almost normal that night. Me, my brothers and my friends all chatting and laughing just like it was old times before the turn. Everything except for two things:

1) Sophia is missing and

2) Carol has been shot and needed surgery.

Oh and Shane looked even more creepy because he had basically shaved all his hair off and had this psycopath-esque look in his eyes. Go team!

I saw Daryl off sitting by himself and glaring at Shane, who was sitting uncomfortably close to me. Well, it was about 5 feet away but still too close for me and for Daryl. I decided I would go see how Daryl was doing.

"Hey," I mumbled awkwardly, leaning against the tree next to him. His eyes flicked up meeting mine briefly, then back down at the hunting knife he was holding, "so... what're you doing?"

"Nothin'." He grunted and twirled the blade in his hands, flicking it into the tree I was leaning against, the knife landing a little too close for comfort.

"Hey!," I snapped and yanked the blade out of the bark, "Watch where you're throwing those things." I tossed it on the ground next to Daryl and moved closer, tilting my head and giving him my best "Rick Glare".

"I knew it wasn't gonna get ya." He turned around to pick up the blade and re-sheath it, but I grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him closer to me. Well, here goes nothing. I pressed my lips against his and closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was about to pull away when I felt Daryl put his hands on my hips and turn his head slightly, sighing softly and gently pulling away.

"Daryl I-I just..." I stuttered awkwardly and he pulled me against him again and kissed me, a little more intense this time. I felt myself melt into him, running my hands through his messy dirty blonde hair and down his neck. The only reason we stopped kissing was need for oxygen. Our eyes were locked on each other, when I saw his gaze flick behind us and narrow. I turned around to see Shane standing there and watching, leaning against a tree.

"Why were you watching us?" I asked probably a little too obviously, but I didn't really care. I felt Daryl tense as Shane walked a little closer before Daryl intervened.

"That's far enough asshole." Daryl snapped and Shane stopped in his tracks, a weird, demented look crossing his face. My eyes flicked down to where his hand was resting, and realized he had his hand on his gun holster. I nudged Daryl secretly, hoping he'd see what I was seeing. Daryl stepped forward in front of me and raised his crossbow.

"Get ya hand off ya gun." He spat and adjusted his grip.

"Not until you lower your crossbow," Shane said in a steady voice, "I need to talk to you both about something."

I looked across at Daryl, who's face was filled with rage and disgust. His eyes flicked towards me, meeting my gaze. I nodded briskly at him and he lowered his crossbow.

"What's so important that you came all the way over here?" I asked in a sarcastic tone raising my eyebrows and putting my hands on my hips.

"It's about Hershel... And the barn." Shane's gaze went from me to Daryl, then back to me.

"Okay, we're listening." I said, intrigued about what was in the barn.

"Speak fa yurself." Daryl grunted, turning his glare towards me. I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him my best stink eye.

" Well," Shane paused, I'm not sure if it was for dramatic effect or if he couldn't remember what he was going to say, but it annoyed me, "there's Walkers in the barn and I got Lori pregnant."

A/N Hey guys sorry for the late release, I was really busy with dance things and friends stuff! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am now on Inkitt! Please support me on other sites like and Inkitt... And my fanart on Tumblr (it's not that good lol) but anyway I hope you are looking forward to the next chapter!!!

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