Chapter 22 - Rest In Peace

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                                                                         // Kat's P.O.V.\\

I tip-toed quietly up to Carol's door, knocking softly and opening the door, "Carol? How you doing in here?" I whispered, gingerly stepping in and the smell of rotting flesh hitting me as I walked in.

"Eeugherghhhhh." I heard a strange gargling sound coming from behind me and spun around. But as I turned, I felt a sharp, shooting pain hit my shoulder and warm, sticky metallic smelling fluid leak down my front. That's when it hit me. Carol was a Walker. She bit me. I was bit.

I screamed in pain, ripping my shoulder from her gnarled, decayed jaws and stumbling backwards, fumbling with my knife in it's holder. I gasped, the blade slipping from my shaking grasp as Walker Carol staggered towards me.

My hunting knife skid across the floor as my fumbling hands struggled to do anything and before I could even look up, Carol was on top of me, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of my stomach, spilling blood and guts all over the floor.

I screamed again as I heard rushed footsteps coming up the stairs, then kicking on the door

"Kat?? Ya in here??" I heard Daryl yell through my delirium, not sure if my dizziness was from blood loss, the fever from the bite or both, but the only thing I could think of was Daryl.

"Help..." I called back weakly, reaching towards the door as it swung open, revealing Daryl's shocked face.

                                                                              // Daryl's P.O.V.\\

I was outside when I heard screamin' comin' from the Greene's house, so I ran inside and saw everyone at Carol's door. I could feel my face pale, my heart beatin' at a million miles an hour.

"Kat?? Ya in here??" I called nervously from the door when I heard a weak voice callin' fer help. I ripped the door open an' my heart stopped. There was Kat, my Kat layin' on the floor, a chunk ripped outta 'er shoulder an' the now-undead Carol feastin' on my girl's stomach.

"No... No no no no no!" I screamed, rippin' the Walker off Kat an' sinkin' down next ta 'er weepin' like a baby. Merle woulda called me a pussy but I didn't care. All I cared about right now was my girl. My Kat. And she was half dead.

"Daryl I- I'm sorry..." She breathed as I clutched 'er hand.

"No, no don' you dare be sorry." I sobbed, squeezin' the hell outta 'er hand.

"I... love... you..." Those were 'er final words an' she let go, the life drainin' outta 'er face and body.

Then everythin' went black. Nothin'. No feelin', no love, no nothin'. I screamed and wept over Kat's body until Rick pulled me away.

"We need to put her down." 'is voice wavered, I could tell 'e was on the verge of tears.

I nodded, backin' away and sobbin' as 'e bent over Kat's cold lifeless body an' plunged 'er own knife into 'er skull, endin' 'er once an' fer all. I stopped cryin', ran outside an' told 'er brothers what'd happened. I can't explain the look of grief that came over their faces, sprintin' over ta the Greene's house just as Rick an' the others came out, carryin' Kat's body

"No!" They screamed in unison, collapsin' ta the ground an' weepin', just as I did. She was gone. My girl was gone

                                                                            // Reader's P.O.V. \\

As the three men wept over the loss of Kat, Rick, T-Dog, Glenn and Shane quietly carried the girl over to where the others lay to rest, under the big old tree and started to dig.

Within an hour, a large hole sat at the base of the tree and they lowered Kat's body gently into the grave.

"As we silently shed tears, we remember Kat for what she was. A kind, gentle, young girl who had boundless optimism, always aware of others and how they felt," Hershel spoke sadly, looking around at the group in front of him, "who died out of kindness for Carol, who sadly passed away as well. We will remember both of them as survivors, doing whatever it took for others and we look to them for inspiration of what we should and can be. We go on for them."

Daryl looked one more time at Kat's final resting place, deciding he would go on for her. Live for her. Protect for her. He ran his hand over where she lay, "I'm sorry ya had to go like this." He muttered, wiping a tear away with his sleeve and walking away as the sun set over the baren wasteland of the world, wondering if he really could go on without her.

A/N ok so I am literally crying right now but I've been planning for this since the beginning so I'm really sorry. I still have a couple of other fanfictions for you to read so I really hope you enjoyed My Girl and I hope this didn't put you off me as an author. BYE AND IMMA CRY AGAIN WAAAAAAA

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