Chapter 8 - Bodies

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The next morning, everyone was solemn. We all silently worked, moving all the bodies, some of our own, some of them walkers. We buried our people and burned the rest. T-Dog and Daryl were going to burn some of our people but Glenn stepped in, "We are not burning our own!" Glenn shouted with tears in his eyes, "OUR PEOPLE GO OVER THERE!" And he stormed off, tears now streaming. I had cleaned myself up and walked over to where Andrea lay over Amy's dead body.

"That girl is a damn ticking time bomb," I heard Daryl mutter, "We should end it now, a bullet. Straight through her damn head." I shot him a glare and he glared back. We held each other's glares for a few seconds and I turned away. Jeez what is this guy's problem? I sat next to Andrea and put my arm around her.

"Do it," She whispered, "You do it. I can't."

"What do you mean?" I implored.

"I mean do it. Put her down when she turns. I can't stand the thought." She passed me her gun and walked away. I stared after her for a few seconds, wondering if I should go after her, but my attention was pulled back to the now-reanimated Amy. Literally. I heard a low growl and turned back to her as Walker Amy grabbed my hair and started trying to rip me towards her. I let out a small yelp and went to grab the gun, but it was too far away. "Shit!" I hissed and held her head to the ground. She still had a grip on me and was slowly getting closer then I felt a knife land next to me.

"Hurry up!" Daryl growled at me. I picked the knife up and thrusted it through her head with a sickening squelch. I looked down at Amy's body then at Daryl.

"Thanks for the assist." I said, not really knowing what else to say. He grunted and went to walk off, but I stopped him.

"Hey, you forgot your knife." I jogged after him, holding it out for him to take.

"Nah, you can keep it," He replied in a gruff voice, "ya need it more than I do." And with that he turned and walked away.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" I shouted, knowing I wouldn't get an answer. He just flipped me off and continued walking. I looked at him walking away. Huh, he's kinda hot... iiiiiiiiif you squint your eyes, turn your head forty-five degrees, look the other way and jump off a cliff. As I was pondering if I thought he was good looking, I heard Shane trying to get everyone's attention, but completely failing... so I helped.

"HEY EVERYONE SHUT UP, SHANE'S TRYING TO TALK SO SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND LISTEN!" I yelled. Everyone turned and looked at me, then turned to Shane. Hey, at least it worked.

"So, uh, I was thinking. We should head to the CDC, like Rick said," Shane started awkwardly, "So everyone start packing up and let's head out in twenty minutes."

I had packed up all my stuff, including my tent and clothes. Well, when I say "clothes", I mean a shirt and a jumper. I saw Rick and Shane talking to Daryl, occasionally glancing over to where I was standing. What the fuck are they lookin' at me for? I just picked up my quiver and bow, put them over my back and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I walked towards the RV, about to jump in when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey," I turned around and Daryl was standing there. The fuck does he want?

"Hey... what?" I responded, leaning against the doorframe of the RV.

"Ya ridin' with me, so put ya shit in the back and get in." He muttered in an annoyed tone, so he obviously didn't want me riding with him.

"Why? You don't like me though." I questioned, with a skeptical look on my face.

"Look, it ain't my decision, "Daryl said, starting to get annoyed, "That asshole Rick Grimes told me to. So get in."

"Huh, ok." I chucked my bag into the tray and got in the passengers side. I put my quiver and bow at my feet and slammed the door shut and got ready to go. Daryl just grumbled a little bit and shut his door as well then started the car. Welp, off to the CDC I guess. Now to endure a grueling two and a half hours of awkward car conversations. Help me.

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