Chapter 6 - All Kinds Of Trouble

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"I'll show you what I'll do." I leaned back and punched him in the mouth as hard as I could and sent him staggering backwards. What did I do that for?

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Ed yelled and lunged for me while the other ladies were screaming at me to back off. But it was too late. I was seeing red. I dodged Ed's swings and I kicked him in the back of the knee, which made him crumple in a heap. Then I kicked him in the head a few times just for good measures. He was well and truly unconscious. Shane heard all the commotion and came running over. He saw Ed laying on the ground and me laying into him.

"What the fuck...KAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shane sprinted over to me and grabbed me, making sure I didn't hit him in the face. He dragged me away from the now-unconscious Ed and sat me down, holding my arms, "WHAT WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?"


Shane looked across to where Ed lay, with Carol apologizing to Ed constantly, then looked back at me.

"You, you did that?" He asked, sounding slightly terrified. I nodded, "Damn, Kat. You seriously took down someone twice your size?" I nodded again. He let out a soft whistle, "Jeez, you're tougher than I thought." and walked away.

Back at the camp, Carol was treating Ed's wounds and Shane was talking to Jim, Morales and Dale, probably about what I did because they all looked pretty damn freaked out. They kept looking from me, to Ed, back to Shane. Then Andrea walked up to me.

"Damn, Kat that was badass!," Andrea congratulated me, "how the hell did you even do that?"

"My dad made me learn basic self-defense because, let's just say, the boys at my school weren't exactly, hmmm how do you say.... gentlemanly." I responded in a nonchalant tone and she just laughed and walked away. Apparently her and Amy were going fishing and I was stuck sitting there, again. Alone. BORING. I decided I'd take a walk and see what was in the forest surrounding us. I picked up my hunting knife and my bow and quiver and quickly made off into the woods.

After about fifteen minutes of hunting I'd already got five squirrels and two rabbits, so I headed back to camp to skin and cook them up. I saw Amy and Andrea had caught about a dozen fish, so I held up my prizes as well. That night we all had fish and squirrel and rabbit for dinner and waited for the men to get back.

"It shouldn't be taking that long for them to get back," Lori said with a hint of anxiety in her voice, "They should be back by now."

"Nah, they'll be fine. Seriously. It takes a while to get to Atlanta and back, especially with all the Walkers blocking the roads and stuff." I reassured Lori

"I gotta pee, I'll be right back." Amy added and got up.

"I really didn't wanna know that!" I called as she walked away and a small giggle rose up from the camp. Then we heard a scream.

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