Chapter 9 - CDC

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The car ride with Daryl was super awkward. It took about two hours for him to actually talk.

"How did you learn to use a crossbow?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"My old man used a crossbow," He responded, "I figured the rest out myself."

"Can you teach me? It looks fun." It really did look fun. He turned to face me and gave me a look like, da fuck u talkin' about.

"No." He put simply. He turned his head back towards the road and we saw it. The CDC. There were corpses everywhere and we weren't sure if they were really dead or not.

"Stay here." He said gruffly and grabbed his crossbow, jumping out of the car. I, however, had other ideas. I jumped out after him, my Glock 19 tucked into my waistband, my bow and quiver slung over my back.

"Stay here my ass," I grumbled, "I'm not dying in a pick up truck. That's neither awesome nor epic and I plan to die in an awesomely epic way." He started to complain but I shushed him and walked off. The CDC was an ominus looking building, a bit like a planetarium. I thought about making it into some kind of joke, but it didn't seem like a good moment. We got to the entrance which was closed off and sealed and Rick started yelling and slamming on the doors, attracting attention from Walkers nearby.

"What are we going to do?"

"Rick, do something"

"BRO SHUT UP YOUR GONNA ATTRACT WALKERS YOU NING NONG!" That was me. Everyone turned and stared at me, "Jeez, at least you shut your damn mouth." The Walkers were getting closer so I ran at them, yelling, trying to draw them away while the men tried to open it. I pulled my bow off again, shooting them straight through the eyeball into their brain.

"HEY IT'S OPEN! KAT GET YA ASS OVER HERE UNLESS YA WANNA BE TORN APART!" Daryl yelled at me. I ran inside and collapsed onto the floor. Then we heard a voice.

"Any of you bit?" We turned towards where the voice had come from and a man was standing there, a gun pointed at us.

"No, if we were we would've already killed ourselves or the person that was infected." I simply put it. I was exhausted and heaved myself off the ground. Daryl put his hand under my arm and helped me up.

"Thanks for the assist," I said sarcastically, "A little help might've been nice."

"Ya looked like ya had it all sorted, so I left ya to it." Daryl responded in a gruff tone. Everyone started walking to another room so we followed. I sat in the corner and exhaled, relieved we were here and not dead. Well, properly dead. I fidgeted with one of my arrows absent mindedly and saw people walking towards a chair. I didn't pay attention because I was so tired until I heard Shane call my name.

"Kat, it's your turn." He said. I was confused, so I got up and walked over.

"My turn for what?" I questioned warily

"Your blood test." Shane responded. It took a while for me to work out what he meant, then I saw Carol holding her daughter, and Sophia sobbing holding her arm. Blood test. Oh god no.

"Ohhhh no, no no no nope no no no not happening," I stuttered, backing away and panicking, "uh-uh, nope no thanks I'm good." I bumped into Daryl so I turned and apologized.

"It's compulsory, you all consented to it." Dr Edwin Jenner said with a blank look.

"I wasn't listening!" I whimpered

"That's not my fault. It won't hurt, don't worry." Jenner reassured, but it wasn't the pain I was worried about and I wasn't about to tell everyone hey guess what? My psychopathic uncle tried to OD me with heroin from a needle and that scarred me for life.

"No it will hurt because my doctor told me when I was younger I had small veins and that needles would always hurt, no matter what anyone else said," I motor mouthed, "My doctor was very truthful." Shane slowly walked towards me, reassuring me it would be fast and then grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the chair. This is not going to go well!

Sorry for the late release, I was really busy and occupied with some other shit haha. Hope you enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter! (I'm so scared of needles too so this is what I feel like in my mind)

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