Chapter 20 - Old Macdonald Has a WHAT?

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"Uh, can you repeat that?" I asked, completely gobsmacked by what Shane had just said.

"I, uh, got Lori pregnant," He mumbled, fidgeting with his nails, "and there are Walkers in the barn."

Daryl's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline and his grip tightened around his crossbow. I put my hand on his, looking up at him and shaking my head.

"You- you got Lori pregnant?" I stuttered, trying to wrap my head around the fact Lori was pregnant... with Shane?!

" What's in the barn?!," Daryl yelled, his face red with rage. He rubbed his face, groaning in despair. He looked from me to Shane, then back again, the words Shane had said finally sinking in, "shit."

" What do we do?" I was completely panicking, more about Lori's baby. Walkers in the barn as well? I was stunned. How could Hershel keep this from us?

" We need to confront Hershel," Shane said, putting his hands on his hips and nodding at us, "I need your help though."

I stepped forward, glaring at him and staring into his soul. "How do we know you're not making this up?," I asked, "You're not exactly the most trustworthy person."

Shane nodded and rubbed his brow, sighing and motioning for us to follow him. We stopped outside the barn and he held his index finger to his lips, signaling us to stay quiet and listen. I looked at Daryl, who was currently trying to murder Shane with a stare. My mum would've made a point of saying 'If looks could kill, he'd be a serial killer'.

"I don't hear..." I started saying when suddenly, I heard a groaning through the doors. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I realized Shane was telling the truth. I peeked through the little gap in the door and saw about twelve Walkers all falling over each other trying to get out and chow down on some grade-A flesh.

"Ahem so, Shane," I tried to speak calmly and placed my clasped hands over my mouth, inhaling deeply, "you were right. I think I speak for everyone when I say... Well shit we should get the fuck off this crazy farm."

"We need to speak to Rick about this." Shane rubbed his hand over his head. I was beginning to think it was a weird stress thing he did. I guess we all have our little quirks. Daryl chews his thumbnail (disgusting), I tell really (amazing) bad jokes and Shane rubs his head.

"Uhm, yeah but what are we gonna say?," I asked the blatantly obvious, "Do we say something a little subtle like 'Hey Rick maybe ask Hershel what's in the barn COUGH COUGH Walkers COUGH COUGH' or do we say it obviously like 'RICK HOLY SHIT FUCK THERE ARE WALKERS IN THE BARN WE'RE DOOMED LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!'"

Daryl and Shane looked at me like I had just suggested we go jump in a Walker-infested pool with a hint of E. Coli and a smattering of salmonella. "Okay we're going for subtle. Noted and checked." I made a little tick with my thumb and forefinger pinched together and raised my eyebrows, looking away.

"Alright, I'll talk to Rick, you talk to... Well, Daryl you talk to everyone else and Kat," He looked and me and sighed, rubbing his face, "don't do anything stupid."

"Phbt you're the one that needs to be not stupid, Mr. Rapey." I mumbled the last two words so he wouldn't hear it. He heard it.

"Hey come on that was ages ago!" Shane frowned and flung his hands up in the air, making him look like some weird bald bird thing.

"I'm just saying." I muttered, holding my hands up in surrender. Then I noticed Daryl was weirdly quiet for what he usually is. I nudged his side with my elbow, looking at him and raising my eyebrows as if to say you good? He grunted and shrugged, walking off. I grabbed his arm and furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"Just thought this place was gonna be safe," He grumbled, grabbing my hand and taking it off his sleeve, "thought it was gettin' back ta normal."

"Hey, I thought that too but it looks like it's not," I slipped my hand into his, giving it a squeeze, "doesn't mean it has to be horrible though."

"Mmm, yeah I guess." He said thoughtfully, rubbing his face.


Daryl and I looked at each other, eyes wide. Jeez, Shane, really subtle!

A/N Hey guys sorry it took so long for the next release, I'm getting busy so chapters will most likely take a couple of weeks to be released! Also thank you so much for 100 reads on Wattpad and a thousand and something reads on Quotev. Also just a little heads up, I've released a new fanfic that's exclusive to Wattpad, Ashes! It's a Bucky Barnes fanfic about a woman working undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D. spying on HYDRA, looking for information about the Super Soldier Serum. It's an ongoing work but I think you guys would like it.

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