Chapter 7 - Loss

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We all ran to see where the scream had come from and saw a Walker munching on Amy's arm. I ran at the reanimated corpse and thrusted my knife through it's skull as blood splattered all over my arms. More growls and moans came from the camp and I heard a gun shooting. Shane. I turned around and saw twelve Walkers staggering, swaying, coming towards the families. Ed had been bit and Carol and Sophia were sobbing.

"GET TO THE RV NOW! " Shane yelled at the women and children and they all obeyed. I made sure everyone got there safe and shut the door behind them. I ran to my tent and rummaged around in my backpack, then my fingers brushed cool, smooth metal. I wrapped my hand around the object and pulled it out. Yes! My trusty Glock 17! I loaded a magazine into the bottom and flipped the safety off. Then I heard it. More guns. They were back, thank god!

I ran out of the tent and loaded the gun, then I let the adrenaline take over and started shooting. I aced every single shot, straight through the un-dead's rotting heads. A Walker came stumbling into view, groaning as it got closer so I pulled the trigger and... nothing. No bullet came out. Shit! I was out of bullets and I'd left my hunting knife in the tent, which was over the other side of the camp. The Walker was staggering, shrieking, screaming almost in anitcipation of chowing down on my flesh then, THWACK! An arrow flew through it's brain and it crumpled in a heap on the ground. As it collapsed I saw the one and only Daryl Dixon standing there, crossbow raised and his finger on the trigger.

"Stupid bitch, the hell are ya doin'? Ya got a death wish or something?" Daryl growled and walked towards me, pulling the arrow out of the Walker's head. ARROW! I had forgotten all about my quiver on my back!

"Nah, just run outta bullets." I replied in a relaxed tone. He grunted and walked off, reloading his crossbow. I pulled my bow off my back and slotted an arrow onto the string. I aimed, pulled back, and released. Pinggg, thwack! Straight through the fucker's damn head! I ran and ripped the arrow out of it's brain and blood splashed everywhere. We were slowly gaining the upper hand and I lowered my bow.

"KAT GET DOWN!" I heard a voice behind me yell. I turned around and saw a Walker coming at me. Before I could put another arrow in my bow, it was on top of me. I fell to the ground and was wrestling with it for a while, it's teeth snapping at my face. I reached to grab a bow and a knife went through it's head. I shoved the body off me and got up.

"Fuck, I'm pretty damn sure ya got a death wish," I heard the voice again. I spun around and came face to face with Daryl, "cuz if ya don't, it means ya pretty damn stupid and I think ya know how to handle damn Walkers." I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the corpse.

"For a guy that doesn't really like me, you sure save my ass a lot." I shot back in a sarcastic tone. He just grunted and walked away again. Jeez this guy sure is a piece of work. I went to change into a different shirt and pants and got ready to clear all the bodies. Loss was a hard thing, but you got used to it

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter, will write more tomorrow. My stories are now also on Quotev, so head over there and check it out. Bye!

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