Chapter 3 - Bad Jokes

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It's incredible what you can learn in a night. I had learned names, backgrounds, how they got here and how much of a dick head Shane really is. So far I knew Lori was the wife of Rick, the parents of Carl, Carol had her daughter Sophia and husband Ed who bashed his wife. Then there was Dale, Shane who was in love with Lori and was pretty pissed Rick was back, Andrea and her sister Amy, Miranda and her husband Morales and kids Eliza and Louise. Then there was Daryl and Merle Dixon. I hadn't met them yet but from what I'd been told Daryl was gonna be pretty damn pissed Merle was handcuffed to a roof and all hell was about to break loose.

I woke up to the screams of the kids and Carl crying saying there was a Walker. Before even thinking, I sprinted out of the tent to where the Walker was apparently. The thing was I had "not thought" so quickly I'd left my hunting knife in the tent, so I had to turn back to grab it then continue to where the cannabalistic undead was. By the time I got there, it had obviously been chewing it's way through a deer and was now laying mutilated on the ground with it's head decapitated.
"We've never had Walkers this far up the quarry before!" Dale commented, clearly shaken up.
"Really? I barely noticed," I remarked sarcasticly, "espcially the way you didn't even kill it!" I unsheathed my hunting knife and stabbed the now reanimated head of the Walker. These people are idiots!
"Son of a bitch!" Looks like I was about to meet the infamous Daryl Dixon.

"That's my deer! Look at it. Gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless, poxy bastard! Think we could cut around it?" Daryl cursed, looking down at the now-tainted deer carcass.
"Mmmm, I wouldn't risk it. We could get infected and turn." I commented. Daryl looked at me with a harsh glare for a few seconds then turned to the Walker body and kicked it.
"Calm down, son. That's not helping." Said Dale, trying to comfort the now-incredibly-pissed off Daryl. It didn't work.
"What do you know about it, old man?," Daryl snapped back, "Why don't you take that stupid hat an' go back to "On Golden Pond?" I couldn't help snorting a bit at that joke but Daryl didn't see the funny side.

"What are you brayin' at, jackass?" Daryl hissed at me
"Sorry, I'm a sucker for bad jokes," I grimaced, "I mean, I would come up with a good Walker joke if I could but I was caught," wait for it... "out on a limb!" I leaned back and bit my lip in a comical way, waiting for a laugh from someone. Anyone. But no, nothing. Daryl just squinted and grimaced, turning to walk away. Damn. That... was a horrible first impression. Then something even more horrible happened.
"MERLE! GET YOUR UGLY ASS OUT HERE!" Daryl was calling for Merle. But Merle, the redneck I'd seen with a gun, was currently handcuffed to a roof. In the city. NOW all hell was about to break loose.

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