College fluff-: Henry

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Because I've been doin' hella work. I deserve a break. GIVE ME FLUFF

This takes place in college.

I yawned softly, turning the page of a history book I and my boyfriend were reading for a history test the next day. I was a bit of a slow reader so my boyfriend, simply with no complaints re-read the page, soaking up the knowledge as I finished reading it for the first time. 'George Washington was known for many things but the one he is-' My train of thought paused as I glanced over at the blonde sitting comfortably next to me, chin on my shoulder, glasses glistening in the moonlight through the peeking window of his and William's dorm. His blonde almost golden fluffy hair draped over the rim of his spectacles. I could feel his chest slowly rising and falling against my side, his dark brown loafers pressed firmly against the leg of the bunk bed so he was propped up against me.

I gazed into his hooded soft mossy eyes, I could almost see little flowers in them. His white dress shirt was properly buttoned and his tie lay down by my arm, tickling it. I felt a smile curl at my lips. I couldn't be more at ease and happy anywhere else. So relaxed, the best and cutest little boyfriend in the world, softly breathing on my shoulder. So patient, so calm, so warm and happy.

"Hey, bear...." He muttered, slightly shifting. I turned my gaze further to him. "Hmm?" "Let's sneak out.." He whispered. I was slightly shocked at this. Henry? The goodie-two-shoes A+, star student, innocent boy? Sneaking out at ten?! I grinned. "Really?" He nodded, his hooded eyes blinking and opening slightly too show ambition, motivation, excitement, and dare.

"Well then...." I muttered. "THAT SOUNDS FUCKING AWESOME!" He flenched, wide-eyed, then giggled and moved back a little. "Shhh.... William the troll is sleeping.." The blonde whispered. I laughed. "Okay okay...I'll be quiet.." I though my hair up into a ponytail and picked up my boyfriend. He let out a quiet squeak of surprise and protest. I only chuckled and kissed his head, slowly opening the cracked dorm window a little more.

Carefully I put my shoe up on the ledge and squeezed my head and arm out of the gap. Henry stayed back and watched, preparing to do the same. I made a hand gesture and he grabbed onto my hand. With one quick slip, we both tumbled out of the window with a 'THUD' Henry fell on top of me and fell into the grass by his and his best friend's dorm room.

We both laughed softly for a moment before going into a peaceful state of silence, staring at each other. Henry's face moved closer to mine and closer.... I watched in anticipation, his lips parting slightly. I gently closed my eyelids anddddddd he kissed my cheek, retracting. I groaned. "Henryyy...." He smirked. "Whatttt?~....." He got off of me and dusted off his school uniform, offering me a hand. I accepted his hand and pulled myself up with it.

"Thanks.." I whispered. The smaller nodded, grinning. "Now what?" He giggled. "Tag!" He tagged my shoulder and I gasped in surprise as he sped off like a dog chasing a stick. For someone so little you'd expect him to be slow.. HELL NAH! I quickly re-gained posture and began chasing after my boyfriend. "Awh you little!..." He practically fell over as I exclaimed- "TAG!" Genty bopping him in the middle of his chest. "Ah, damn!" It was now my turn to run, wich was hard because I was in a skirt. He cought up rather fast. He tagged my left knocker and gasped, regretting it the second he did so. *!!* "OH MY I'M T-T-TERRIBLY SORRY I-I D-DIDIN'T M-" I interrupted him with a blushy chuckle, tagging his head. *!* He squeaked. "TAG YOUR IT!" I shouted, proudly, running off again.

After a while of playing tag me and Henry got a bit bored so we plopped down on a nice spot in the dark grass to think of a new game. "Hid-n-seek?" He suggested. I shot it down with a lazy hand movement. "Nah." "Sex?~" I teased. *!* His face turned red and with a loud squeak, he yelled my name. "(YOUR NAME)!!" "I kiddddddddd~" I joked. He sighed, chuckling slightly. "Ooh!" He got to his feet and I raised an eye brawl. "Take off your shoes!" Henry exclaimed, happily, removing his dark brown loafers and setting them on the ground. I chuckled and stared at him curiously. I removed my shoes and set them right next to his, coming to my feet aswell. "Dance with me!" He giggled. I smiled and turned on a song.

*GASP* "Henry!" "Henry!" I shouted. He turned his head. "Hmm?" "SING!!!" He blushed. "B-But- Okay fineeeeeeee..." The blonde coughed and held out his hand. "M'lady?~" I took it. "Ooh, such a gentlemannn~" Henry blushed harder, entangling his fingers in mine. "I found a love for me...~" He sang softly, swaying his hips to the tune. "Oh, darling, just dive right in and follow my lead...~" I smirked and twirled him, picking him up. "Nah." "Follow myyyyy lead~" I span him around in the grass as he tried to sing, an occasional squeak every now and then.

I felt myself getting lost in his smooth words."Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms~" "Barefoot on the grass!~" I giggled, smiling big and staring into his big green eyes, lovingly. "When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath~" "You heardddd it~" I smiled wider. "Darling, youuu look perfect tonight~" His hand found its way to my hair and gently undid my tight ponytail, letting my hair hang loose. I blushed. "Could this night get any better..." I whispered, happy at last. Henry leaned in closer. I waited for him to gently kiss my cheek but was shocked and delighted when his soft pink lips met mine in a passionate kiss of pure joy and love. It just did. I kissed back and held my Henry close, never wanting to disconnect. 

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