3; first day

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it wasn't long before the actual first day of school came, and just like any other normal school day, yeonjun rang beomgyu's home doorbell at 8am sharp.

beomgyu rushed out, wolfed down his toast and grabbed his school bag and ran out of the house. he had difficulty waking up in the morning, and if yeonjun doesn't wake beomgyu up everyday he'll definitely get kicked out of the school.

when the two boys meet, yeonjun instinctively grabs beomgyu's hand, interlacing his long fingers with beomgyu's. it was a daily routine for the both of them, and it felt good knowing that they have each other.

"imagine not waking up on time for the first day of school."

"imagine getting bad grades."

"imagine not crying when watching 'up'"

"that's a self-roast."

"no it isn't. you have no feelings."

"shut up."

the usual bickering continued on and on until they find their way into the school hallway, and they separate classrooms for assembly.

"movie date tonight?" the older asks, just before the bell went off.

"it isn't wednesday though."

"it's the first day of school, it deserves a celebration." yeonjun pleads, his eyes holding every single star in the universe. beomgyu notices how yeonjun's plump lips form a small pout, and his cute button nose scrunched in an attempt to make beomgyu fall for his cuteness.

it did work after all.

beomgyu nodded, and yeonjun did a small victory dance, which instantly made beomgyu let out an unintentional laugh.

"choi yeonjun! choi beomgyu! go to your classes now!"

and the two quickly gave each other a look of panic before dashing into their respective classrooms, and both of them could not stop smiling.


"sorry sir! i'm here." beomgyu apologises once he reached his classroom.

"ah mr choi, thank you for gracing us with your presence, 5 minutes late as usual."

the class erupted into laughter and beomgyu's ears turned red, he quickly rushed to his seat next to taehyun and heaved a heavy sigh.

"what's the first period?" beomgyu asks.


beomgyu groans, which made taehyun laugh.

"it isn't that bad. the teacher is hot too."

"shut your gay ass up."

"says you i-simp-over-yeonjun-hyung-on-a-daily-basis."

beomgyu kicks the younger under the table and the teacher sends them a dirty look.

"now class, unfortunately your art teacher from last year has resigned, a new teacher will be incoming. do not, and i repeat, do not try and ask him for his personal handphone number whatsoever. the reason why the past teacher left was because of the exact same reason when some girl flirted with him instead of booking a consultation."

the class groans, and the teacher leaves, leaving the class to buzz around before the new teacher arrived.

"if the new teacher is hot, buy me lunch." taehyun mumbles, which made beomgyu whine.

"not a deal."

"i don't think anyone can beat mr park in terms of looks, i mean that was the only motivation i had when it came to art class."

"he's dating someone!"

"and? i bet he's fruity. he's so hot, no one can ever compa-"

a tall man walked into class, black curly locks covering his eyes slightly. he wore a simple black t-shirt and long brown loose pants. his eyes were soft and delicate, and the aura that he possessed was immeasurable.

the whole class just gaped at him.

"do i have horns on my head?" he asks, his voice surprisingly mellow and deep.

"i understand that i am extremely handsome but i require you all to pay attention to my following set of instructions.

beomgyu looked around, the girls at one corner were practically drooling, the boys had eyes wide open and taehyun looked as if he would faint right on the spot.

"you can call me mr kim, but i rather you call me taehyung, it makes me feel younger. i'm fine with people talking to me casually, but please know your limits. i'm taken by your ex-art teacher, so don't you dare play any games on me."

you could practically feel the class's disappointment when he said that he was taken. taehyun's shoulders sagged and he defeatedly rested his head on beomgyu's shoulder, and beomgyu elbowed the younger on the ribs.

"and now, since none of you here major in art, there is only one project that you need to complete before the end of the school year."

"it can be anything, but it has to be centred around the theme of love. submit your final artwork two weeks before the year ends, and the best ones will be presented in front of the school. write a description too, and make sure it's nice so i don't have to give you a bad grade."

"now, any questions?"

a girl raised up her hand.


"is mr park a good kisser?"

the classroom started becoming chaotic, but beomgyu's mind was not focused on the chaos, but instead on the artwork.

he doesn't love anyone, maybe just his parents and his pet parrot, but that was all. what can he even do?

as he sat there contemplating, he didn't realise how the new but already popular art teacher had his eyes on him, and the teacher was instantly interested and entranced.

"dude he's looking at you."

when beomgyu looked up to look at the teacher's eyes, the older smiles at him, which instantly made the insides of his stomach flutter.

maybe he could learn a thing or two in his class after all.


a/n: okay, just to clarify, taehyung does not have a crush on gyu 😭😭😭 he just finds beomgyu interesting and he wants to know him better

thank you for reading loves🤍🤍

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