8; getting to work

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for the first time that year, beomgyu was looking forward to art class. you could sense the excitement from him, and the other 4 boys whom he was best friends with seemed to realise as well.

he has been smiling a lot, and it was a pleasant change for a while since beomgyu was always quiet and reserved.

beomgyu even joined the friend group for a late night karaoke session at soobin's house, joining soobin as they both screamed into the mic whenever bebe rehxa was queued.

yeonjun and him were still very close, and their sleepovers became a daily thing, and both of them would cuddle each other and fall asleep in each other's arms. movie nights became longer and the range of movies that they watched broadened. they steered clear from sad movies though, as they didn't really want a repeat from the movie "up".

beomgyu would go out and eat ice cream with kai, and the two of them would fight with each other whenever there was one last chip left in the bag, which resulted in taehyun pulling the two apart and scold them from being immature.

"what made you so happy recently?" taehyun teases the beomgyu one day in school, laughing lightly after seeing beomgyu's face light up when the bell rang off, signalling the start of art class.

"nothing." beomgyu responds, and taehyun gives him one last glance before interlocking his arm with beomgyu's.

"come on, let's go. we're going to be late."


beomgyu requested to sit at the corner of the class when working on his art project, and taehyung allows him to. he could feel the happiness radiating off the student, which made his heart feel warm.

"what are you working on?" taehyung asks, sitting next to beomgyu who was painting a bunch of newspapers a shade of dark blue.

"the sea." beomgyu says, his eyes shining with childlike excitement.

taehyung's eyes visibly widened a little, "why?" he asks.

"yeonjun...he's the sea. and i'm the seagull watching him from above." beomgyu says, and taehyung lets out a laugh. he places his hand on beomgyu's shoulder and leans forward to whisper something in his ear.

"he really means a lot to you, i can tell." taehyung says, a fond smile plastered on his face.

"i'm not allowed to have favourites, i know, but there's something about you beomgyu. i'm looking forward seeing your final product."

and with that, taehyung gets up, send beomgyu his signature wink before walking around the classroom to ask others about their projects.


throughout the whole art lesson, taehyun sat alone, carefully trying to shape out his teddy bear model, but something was distracting him.

the usual seat next to him used to occupy a quiet and thoughtful beomgyu, but now it was empty.

it felt empty, knowing that your best friend had gone off to the corner of the classroom to have space to himself, but taehyun respects his decision.

"you okay taehyun?" taehyung asks, taking the seat that beomgyu used to occupy.

it was probably a dream for any one of the girls in the class right now for that to happen to them, i mean it isn't very often when a hot teacher would sit next to you and start talking to you.

but taehyun's heart doesn't flutter, it doesn't flutter as much as it did whenever beomgyu sat there. taehyung's cologne smelt nice, but beomgyu's scent naturally radiated vanillas and strawberries, which is a scent that taehyun progressively learned to love.

he just wasn't beomgyu.

"i'm fine." taehyun says, putting on the most convincing smile he could muster, and taehyung gives him a suspicious glance before nodding, getting up to walk around the whole class.

taehyun kept on side-eying beomgyu at the side of the classroom, heart aching just by looking at him smile contentedly, and he just wanted whoever beomgyu was making the project for would treat him with the same, if not more love than what beomgyu had given to them.

taehyun was 15 when he realised that he fell in love with his best friend.


a/n: oops

a not so yeongyu chapter but yes not so shocking revelation!!!

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