25; dance

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yeonjun had his dance evaluation the next day, and when he entered the dance studio, wooyoung instantly rushed towards him.

"you look like a ghost."

"thank you for that." yeonjun groaned, throwing his bag on the floor and flopped next to his bag. wooyoung sat down next to him, resting his head on yeonjun's shoulders.

"we worked hard to get where we are right now, it feels weird that we don't have to work our asses off after this evaluation." wooyoung mumbled, closing his eyes.

"i'm not worried about the evaluation though." yeonjun replied, voice sounding raw from all the crying he did yesterday.

wooyoung sat up and looked at yeonjun in the eyes. yeonjun looked even worse up close, his eyes puffy and raw, and his eyebags were dark and sunken in. his lips were chapped, and he looked exhausted.

"is it about beomgyu?"

just the sound of beomgyu's name sends yeonjun down a spiral of emotions. wooyoung seemed to notice, and he doesn't press on further.

"delaying it won't do any good."

"he has finals tomorrow, if i tell him now, there's no way that he'll do well."

"but is that what he wants or what you want? how would you feel if you were so in love with someone and the person lies to you? you would want to know right away, right?"

yeonjun kept quiet at that, the other students were entering the studio, and they had already began stretching. not wanting to draw further attention, he stood up and made his way with towards the crowd.

"just do whatever your heart tells you, you know that i'll still remain your friend no matter what."

it was a short statement, but yeonjun froze at that.

"really?" yeonjun asked after a moment of silence.

wooyoung laughed at that, and he leapt on yeonjun's back, making yeonjun stumble a little.

"if you think getting rid of me was that easy, think again."


the dance evaluation was needless to say, a success.

everyone thought that yeonjun already peaked, and he couldn't wow them further than he already did. but boy were they wrong.

yeonjun spent literally all his time here, in the small dance studio, working his ass off daily.

the evaluators were convinced that he was a prodigy, and could easily take up professional dancing.

"he's so gorgeous."

"choi yeonjun, acing it again."

"oh my god he's insane."

"he's perfect."

that stupid p word.

it didn't come as a surprise when they immediately offered him a space in their institution once he was done with his dance recital, and yeonjun forced out a polite smile and accepted it with such calmness that it caused some girls in the studio to giggle uncontrollably.

"if he wasn't dating choi beomgyu i would have hit him up."

yeonjun snapped his head up, glaring at the girl who muttered that statement, and the girl instantly looked away, and flushed red. he went to sit next to wooyoung, who was gleaming with pride.

"you did so good." his close friend exclaimed, the smile never leaving his face.

"you did good too." yeonjun replied, a small smile visible on his face.

he wasn't lying, wooyoung did eat his performance up, and everyone was blown away too.

however, passing the evaluation was only one thing that worried yeonjun. the next thing that he had to worry about was something a lot bigger.

yeonjun glanced at the girl who he glared at a few moments ago, and her words never left his brain.

why did she make it seem as if yeonjun was the perfect one?

because all of them were wrong, everyone who praised him just now were wrong.

he wasn't perfect.

he wasn't insane.

he wasn't a prodigy.

he was choi yeonjun.

and choi yeonjun was a fragile person.

a person who gets attached to people easily, is too loud, is too clingy.

but most importantly, he was foolish.

he made horrible decisions, and he has to pay the price of it.

choi yeonjun loved many people, he loved his family, and he loved his friends. heck, he loved so many things but he realised that none of them came close to beomgyu.

he loved beomgyu wholeheartedly, just not romantically. both of them used to joke that they would beat up the person who made them both brokenhearted, and yeonjun did want to beat himself if he could.

because he knew that choi beomgyu deserved the world, and he failed to do so.

he was snapped out of his thoughts when he realised that the other students were leaving the studio already, and he got up from the floor and slung his bag around his shoulder, and wooyoung trailing behind him.

normally, when they bid each other goodbye, it'll just be a simple wave or a short hug, but this time, wooyoung bidded yeonjun goodbye in a much different way, but it was enough to make tears sting yeonjun's eyes for the millionth time that week.

"i'm always proud of you."

"god," yeonjun choked out, running towards wooyoung and clinging on him. "i'm not planning on crying today."

maybe it's the way how his voice cracked, but wooyoung just hugged him tighter, and it made yeonjun feel safer.

"you're 2 months older than me but you act like a literal child."

yeonjun let wooyoung go and glared at him.

"i hope you trip over your feet and eat gravel when you cross the street today." yeonjun yelled childishly and stormed out of the studio.

"love you too!" wooyoung called out, and he laughed when yeonjun flipped him off.


a/n: some wooyoung and yeonjun fluff before shit goes down 👹👹

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