24; arcade

618 37 31

yeonjun woke up the next day, not feeling like going to school.

he didn't have to actually, since his instructor told him that he could get the day off today, but beomgyu will definitely not want to skip school even if his life depended on it.

he got out of bed, brushed his teeth and chugged down a glass of milk, hugging his mother a quick goodbye before heading over to beomgyu's house.

whenever he went over to beomgyu's house, it used to be a want, but now it became a need. it was as if he needed to go to his house in order to be a good boyfriend.

he rang on the doorbell, and as expected, beomgyu was standing there, gleaming at him.

"hello hyung." beomgyu chirped.

yeonjun doesn't say anything back, but instead grabbed beomgyu's tiny hands with his.

"wanna ditch school today?"

beomgyu stood there for a while, contemplating.

"what will we do if i were to agree?" beomgyu said, linking his arm with yeonjun's as they walked down the street.

"i'll take you to wherever you want to go." yeonjun said endearingly, which made beomgyu flush red.

"ok, let's go!" beomgyu yelped in excitement, running down the street and pulling yeonjun behind him.

"where to?!" yeonjun yelled back, and beomgyu's laughter rang in yeonjun's ears, a sound that he grew up with since he was little.

"the arcade!"


the arcade near their house was a small one, it was located at a deserted area and people only go there during holidays, and definitely not in the middle of a school day.

"what game do you want to play?" yeonjun asked his boyfriend after they exchanged their tokens. beomgyu pointed at the claw machine, grinning giddily. "i want the bear keychain."

fluffy teddy bear keychains were littered all over the claw machine, the bright lights emitting from the machine was extremely eye catching. yeonjun interlocked his fingers with beomgyu's and they walked over to the claw machine, and yeonjun placed in two tokens into the coin slot.

"watch me get this in 1 try."

"i bet ten times."


beomgyu giggled at that. the mere sound of beomgyu giggling happily made yeonjun want to win a keychain for him just to see the euphoric look on the younger's face.

with the sudden burst of determination, yeonjun placed the claw directly above a white teddy bear and pressed the big green button for the claw to grab the keychain. the claw grabbed the teddy bear by its head, and brought it to the small hole and released it.

beomgyu cheered loudly at the sight and instantly crashed his body onto yeonjun's.

"you're the bestest boyfriend ever!"

under normal circumstances, yeonjun would hug him back equally as tightly, but right there and then he hugged beomgyu back loosely, fighting back the temptation to burst into tears.


yeonjun swore to keep beomgyu safe ever since they were little.

maybe it was because of how small beomgyu was when they were kids, and how people would try and pick on him for being too quiet.

yeonjun's head was filled up with so many thoughts, and he was barely noticing his surroundings.

ring ring!

"hyung MOVE!" beomgyu yelled out, pulling yeonjun to the right side of the alley and hollered a quick sorry to the cyclist that nearly ran yeonjun over.

they left the arcade a while ago, and they decided to walk to the small lake alongside the park that was near their house. they often went there when they want to talk about things, be it stupid debates over mint chocolate or serious heart to heart talks that will always bring the both of them in tears while passers-by stare at them incredulously.

"what's up with you? you ok?" beomgyu asked, a small pout visible on his face. yeonjun nodded stiffly, and they continued walking.

however, beomgyu's concerned eyes never left yeonjun's somewhat dejected figure.


they've never been to the park at noon, and it was probably a bad idea since it was extremely hot there. they sat on the exact bench where they would always sit, and it was as if time stopped.

it was always peaceful sitting here, maybe it was because of the company, or maybe the view of the lake, but either way, it was comforting to be there.

"your dance evaluation is tomorrow right?" beomgyu asked, and yeonjun nodded his head. their hands were interlaced, and beomgyu loved it. yeonjun still looked miserable, and beomgyu didn't like to see his boyfriend upset.

"are you worried about it? you can talk to me about it you know." beomgyu mumbled.

silly beomgyu, you barely know anything about dance, what are the chances of yeonjun telling his problems to you?

"i..i mean, it doesn't necessarily have to be to me, but maybe to wooyoung. but as long as you let out your feelings." beomgyu added on.

yeonjun didn't know how to react. why was beomgyu so understanding and kind towards him? shouldn't beomgyu be more demanding? why isn't beomgyu yelling at him? slapping him even?

but the longer yeonjun thought about it, it slowly started to make sense.

beomgyu is beomgyu after all.

the sweet, kind beomgyu that won't ever hesitate to help an old lady or man cross the road due to heavy traffic.

the calm and collected beomgyu who would give yeonjun proper advice for his stupid decisions.

the sensitive and thoughtful beomgyu who often let yeonjun cry on his shoulder when he already had enough on his plate.

the cheerful and adorable beomgyu that smiles at almost everything that yeonjun ever does.

how did someone as cruel as yeonjun get such a thoughtful and perfect boyfriend like beomgyu?

why was heaven so mean to put yeonjun in this situation right now, a situation where he could potentially ruin his as well and beomgyu's own life?

yeonjun didn't want to see beomgyu upset, he made that mistake once and he swore to never do it again.

but he has to do it, sooner or later.

choi yeonjun was selfish, and he wanted to drag the dreaded break up for as long as possible because he was afraid.

afraid that beomgyu would leave him entirely.

"hyung..? oh no please don't cry."

he cried yesterday night at the studio, and he didn't really want to cry anymore. yeonjun's exhausted.

beomgyu whined softly and he hugged yeonjun warmly. not a tight hug, but yeonjun found himself soaking into beomgyu's embrace once again, and his tears soaked beomgyu's soft hoodie.

"i'm sorry."

yeonjun hadn't talked much that day, only a soft hum every now and then and a forced laugh, but other than that he was just quiet.

"i'm so sorry." he repeats.

he wasn't yelling, he just mumbled "i'm sorry" repeatedly until beomgyu hushed him.

"i'm here hyung. and little beomie will always try and make big yeonnie happy again."


a/n: damn i'm sorry yall this chapter made me a little sad because i feel so lonely anyways.

i'm writing another short story, called "smiling" HAHHAHAHA, i posted the first chapter alr so if you are int you can check it out👀👀👀

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