14; going crazy

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warning: panic attack

both of them went to school the next week, and the tension between them was so heavy that the other three didn't dare to try and start a conversation between them.

poor taehyun, since he sat in between beomgyu and yeonjun, and his eyes were fixated at his own food, not daring to look to the people next to him.

taehyun stares at kai, and widens his eyes at him, signalling at him to try and come up with a fake situation to get him out of here.

"why are you looking at me like that?" kai asks, and taehyun just sighs loudly in defeat.

beomgyu abruptly stands up, and all of them stare at him, except yeonjun.

"i don't feel well."

"then go." yeonjun hisses icily, and soobin lets out a soft gasp of exasperation. the others just froze, not really wanting to move.

"hyung!" soobin exclaims, rushing to beomgyu's side and slinging an arm around the smaller's shoulders. he glared at yeonjun, but yeonjun doesn't look back at him, eating his food as if nothing happened at all.

what a piece of shit.

beomgyu pushes soobin's arm away and knocks over his chair before walking away from the group, and soobin lets out a small sigh before walking behind him, giving one last dirty look at yeonjun before leaving.

the remaining three sat in silence, not knowing what to do when taehyun finally breaks the silence.

"great," taehyun mumbles, rubbing his temples. "let's just talk."


taehyun, kai and yeonjun went to to empty classroom that no one ever goes to talk instead. they were skipping lessons, but they aren't important so they didn't really care.

"what happened?" taehyun asks bluntly once they entered the classroom. even though yeonjun was blunt, taehyun was even blunter, speaking from his mind instead of his heart.

"nothing." yeonjun says, staying at the corner of the classroom and sitting on the table, arms and legs crossed and he stares daggers at taehyun.

"you skipped school for half the week, and you aren't talking to beomgyu." taehyun reasons, rolling his eyes at a very unbothered yeonjun, who looked like he might punch the wall and break it into pieces.

"it's stupid, don't bother."


taehyun slams the nearby table, hard. a bunch of dust started flying all over, and kai instantly back hugs taehyun to prevent him from getting even more provoked than he already is.

"calm down!" he hisses in his best friend's ear, and yeonjun just sits there, looking at taehyun as if he was taunting him.

"kang taehyun? why are you getting so mad?" yeonjun laughs out, still staring at taehyun with those crazy eyes, and taehyun feels a shiver run down his spine.

since when was yeonjun this crazy?

it was the first time in years since taehyun ever saw yeonjun like this, wait no, he has never seem yeonjun like this before. it was as if another person took over yeonjun's body entirely, and taehyun didn't like that.

"don't you dare meddle into my own affairs, i can handle them myself." yeonjun hisses, breaking the eye contact that he had with taehyun and looking at the floor instead, a clear sign that he's done with the conversation.

but taehyun wasn't done yet.

"if you hurt him, i'll make sure that i'll make your life like living hell." taehyun mumbles so softly that yeonjun almost couldn't hear him. kai instantly stops hugging taehyun and backs off, knowing that wherever this was going, it definitely won't have a pretty ending.

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