4; movie

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beomgyu shuffled into yeonjun's bedroom wrapped in a big blanket, which instantly made the older laugh as he saw his cute friend shuffle in with the blanket hugging his small frame loosely.

the younger crashed onto the older's bed and the older sits next to him, resting his head on the younger's shoulder.

"how was your day?"

"it was fine. we had a new art teacher."

yeonjun instantly sits up, eyes lighting up and his lips curving up to form a big smile.

"no way. is he hotter than mr park?"

"both are hot, and they are together."

"shit." yeonjun cursed lightly under his breath, and beomgyu lets out a snort.

"as if you can stand a chance with any of them."

"shut up."

beomgyu sets the blanket aside and pats the space on the bed next to him, motioning the older to sit next to him. yeonjun complies and snuggles close to the younger, a small and simple physical touch but it still managed to make beomgyu have butterflies in his stomach.

"choose a movie hyung."

without much hesitation, yeonjun grabs the controller and searched "Up"

"really?" beomgyu questions, which makes yeonjun pout at him and nod his head like a toddler. beomgyu sighs and gets up from the bed, but yeonjun clings onto him, not wanting to be away from beomgyu.

"let me get the tissues."

"only if i follow you." yeonjun sing-songs, and he continued clinging onto the younger as the both of them trudged into the living room and get a box of tissues.


"Up" was a 1 hour 35 minutes movie, but the emotional roller coaster that the two went through was way too extreme.

both of them aren't the type to shed tears, but this movie was an exception.

they weren't even in the sad part when beomgyu noticed the older start grabbing a whole bunch of tissues and dabbing at the sides of his eyes when the marriage montage came out. he smiled to himself and slung his left arm around yeonjun's shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly.

"she hasn't even died yet."

"shut the fuck up." yeonjun whines, eyes glistening with tears and he punched beomgyu weakly, and the younger instantly giggles, this time wrapping both arms around the older and snuggling on the older's chest.

it wasn't long before yeonjun had to grab another handful of tissues, this time not even trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"take the whole damn tissue box." beomgyu jokes, throwing the half used tissue box at the sobbing boy. yeonjun takes it and sniffles again, using his sweater paws to wipe the tears that were rolling down his cheeks.

at this point, beomgyu had no interest in the movie at all. he was lying on yeonjun's chest, staring up at the older. he never liked animated movies, he found them overly cliché, but for the sake of the older, he'll bite the bullet anytime.

he notices how the older's nose and the rims of his eyes were a light shade of pink, and his plump and full lips were pouting so softly. he notices how cuddly the older looks, with his soft sweater paws occasionally making their way to his cheeks to wipe off his crystal like tears.

he looked even more beautiful up close.

yeonjun was a beautiful piece of art that could be displayed in the museum for everyone to view and admire. beomgyu wanted the whole world to know how beautiful choi yeonjun is, but why does he want him all to himself?

forcing himself to watch the movie, beomgyu tries to keep his eyes on the tv that was in front of the two, trying his very best to ignore yeonjun's soft breathing as the movie crackled on in the background.


the movie ended a while later, and it was safe to say that even more tears were shed, mainly from yeonjun.

as disinterested beomgyu was in the whole movie, he found himself tearing up at the ending. as the end credits rolled in, beomgyu switches off the television and sits up from yeonjun's lap, turning to face the older who was looking at the younger with the same fondness in his eyes that he always possess whenever he was around him, which makes the younger smile back.

"how was it?" yeonjun asks, a question that they always ask each other after every movie date that they shared together.


"shut up. it's a cinematic masterpiece." yeonjun rebuts, sticking out his tongue at the younger. beomgyu does the same thing back and they both start giggling, almost as if they were 7 all over again.

"why did you want to watch this movie though? i thought you liked comedy a lot more." beomgyu questions. yeonjun wasn't the emotional type of person who would binge watch heart-wrenching movies from start to finish, so this was a start.

yeonjun contemplates for a while, and he shrugs.

"mainly because i thought about life a lot more often than usual lately. i always wondered why people often catch on feelings on others when they are eventually going to leave."

"sometimes i take my family and friends for granted, and there are times when i often feel so sad and lonely. then it makes me realise that it's easy to lose sight of the things we have, and it kind of pains me to think about me losing the people that i love and care about."

"we can watch comedies and laugh at the stupid things that they do, but i guess i decided to watch this to actually remind myself that this is how life works out. we'll all eventually grow old and die, and we'll watch the people around us do the same thing. life isn't a bed of roses."

"and also because you remind me of russell in the movie, my guidance whenever i am in need of assistance. it's scary to think about if we'll still ever be close friends in the future, you might find someone new, heck maybe even i would. but can you promise me that you'll be my closest friend for as long as possible?"

yeonjun's tone was rich in emotion, and he was almost pleading beomgyu at his last sentence. beomgyu's heart felt full, and he smiles at yeonjun reassuringly before wrapping his arms around yeonjun's small waist, placing his head on yeonjun's left shoulder.

"i promise."

the two stayed in that position for god knows how long, but both of their hearts were beating in unison. for that moment, time seemed to slow down, and it felt as if it was just the two of them against the world.

"thank you for being my best friend." yeonjun chokes out, after they detached themselves from each other.

best friends?

beomgyu's heart clenched a little at that, but he still forced a smile out and squeezed yeonjun's hand comfortingly.

"no problem hyungie." beomgyu mumbles, not brave enough to say those exact words back.

maybe it was really just beomgyu against the whole world, but only this time, the whole world only consisted of one person, and that one person was none other than choi yeonjun.



thank you for reading, mwacks 🤍🤍🤍

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