21; sleeping

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when his final pop quiz was over, beomgyu let out the biggest sigh of relief after he placed his pen down. it wasn't even his finals yet, but the thought of finishing the what felt like neverending stack of quizzes made him feel so relieved.

what made him even more relieved is when he left the classroom, the first person that he saw standing in front of the door was none other than choi yeonjun.

he looked as if he just ended practice, his hair was sticking onto his forehead, but he still looked beautiful.

"you're blocking the hallway." yeonjun laughed, and beomgyu instantly snapped out from his little world before jumping onto yeonjun.

the hug was probably the warmest one that beomgyu ever gave to yeonjun, and it felt incredibly nice and comfortable.

they stayed like that for a while, some people in beomgyu's class giving them questionable looks but they don't look back at them, choosing to mind their own business.

"how was it practice?" beomgyu asked, still clung onto yeonjun as if his life depended on it.

"it was fine, there's still a few more days until the people come and cast us."

"the academy is here right? in seoul?"

yeonjun nodded.

"i'll never want to leave you alone here."

beomgyu's heart felt warm at that, and he snuggled closer to his boyfriend, not wanting to let go.

"do you want to go home and cuddle?" yeonjun asked, ruffling beomgyu's soft hair that felt like clouds.

"i still have lessons though."

"you rather sit and attend two hours of music theory instead of cuddling me?" yeonjun gasped dramatically, pushing beomgyu away and placing both hands over his heart, pretending as if he had a heartache.

yeonjun had a point though, beomgyu would pick him over school any day, plus he already mastered music theory, so sitting there won't do him any benefit at all.

"ok, let's go."

yeonjun gleamed, and he interlocked their hands together and they left the school building with wide smiles on their faces.


"i asked you to come over and cuddle, not for you to write up your storyboard for your art project." yeonjun whined, kicking and flopping on the bed as if he was a fish out of the water.

"my finals are coming soon and i won't have time to complete it." beomgyu reasoned, and yeonjun rolled off the bed and leaned over beomgyu's shoulder to peek at his storyboard, but beomgyu elbowed him directed at the dick and he instantly crashed onto the floor.

"OW." yeonjun yelped out, and beomgyu merely laughed.

"why did you even try to peek?"

yeonjun doesn't reply, still on the floor and clutching his private part in agony.

"screw you choi beomgyu." yeonjun cursed out loud.

beomgyu decided to pepper his boyfriend's face with kisses, laughing happily when he saw yeonjun's pout slowly disappear and instead formed a cute smile.

"simp." beomgyu mumbled into yeonjun's ears, and yeonjun kissed beomgyu's neck softly.

"only for you."


yeonjun ended up taking a nap on the bed while waiting for beomgyu to finish his storyboard so they could watch incantation together.

beomgyu spun the pen in his hand, he had been sitting there for the past hour and he didn't know what to write.

the sea in the bottle was yeonjun, and he made a small seagull hanging above the sea, the waves of the sea reaching out to touch the seagull but it was too far, and it can't reach it.

beomgyu was the seagull.

he kept on thinking that there was no way that yeonjun would ever love him, but somehow they are dating now.

he thought of scraping the whole project completely, before thinking that it's better if he kept it at its original state.

yeonjun kept on pestering beomgyu as he really wanted to help out in his project, but beomgyu refused. he refused wooyoung's help too when he came over the day before to the art room, not wanting to let anyone know about his project.

beomgyu never realised how close wooyoung and yeonjun were, until he started going down to yeonjun's dance studio to walk back home with him. the occasional pinky holding that yeonjun and wooyoung would share whenever they monitor their dancing, the discreet shoulder touching and many others may seem like nothing to the two of them, but it sparked jealously in beomgyu.

it was probably stupid, but yeonjun's fondness towards wooyoung was too obvious not to notice.

sometimes he wondered if wooyoung was the fish living in the sea, and the sea was its home, while beomgyu was always in the sky, hovering above the sea but never being able to reside in it.

he wanted to be wooyoung.

he wanted to be the same age as yeonjun, maybe he could talk more freely around him.

he wanted to share the same love of dancing that yeonjun had, so he had another common topic with him.

he wanted to understand yeonjun better, because he knew that yeonjun would much rather prefer ranting and crying on wooyoung's shoulders because he understands him more than beomgyu does.

and beomgyu let these thoughts live freely in his pretty little head, and he gave up before lying down on the bed next to yeonjun, playing with the older's soft hair as he let out a sad sigh of his own.

"i cannot imagine if you leave me one day." beomgyu mumbled sadly to a sleeping yeonjun, whose mouth was slightly open and his eyelashes fluttered softly in the soft breeze.

"i love you so, so much."


a/n: i have exams for a solid 3 weeks starting from next week OH GOD i'm not okay.

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