19; taehyung

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beomgyu was walking to his favourite classroom in his free period, looking for a special someone.

if you told 10 year old beomgyu that he'll be going to a teacher to ask for relationship advice, he'll laugh in your face.

but he was doing exactly that, walking with a spring in his step, on his way to find his favourite teacher.

he knocked on the door, and he heard taehyung's footsteps closing in, and the door opening with a soft click.

taehyung's eyes widened when he notices beomgyu, but they slowly curved into a cute eye smile and he opened the door wider.

"don't you have class?" taehyung asks, once he closed the door behind him.

"free period."

taehyung lets out a small "oh" before dragging beomgyu to the teacher's table.

"just sit on the table."

the table looked incredibly expensive. it was mahogany wood after all. but taehyung didn't look as if he minded.

"i can afford another one."

beomgyu wondered if he was lying, but there was no smile on his face so he assumed that he genuinely meant it. he still sat on it hesitantly, and it made taehyung laugh.

"why did you come over today?" taehyung asks, crossing his arms and leaning to the back of his chair, and his feet placed on the table.

"i wanted some advice." beomgyu mumbles.

"what advice? jimin says that i'm a good listener, so you can just ask me anything, my lips are sealed."

it was a little weird to hear his ex-art teacher's name roll out so casually from taehyung's lips, but he shrugs the feeling off and takes in a deep breath.

"relationship advice."

the room suddenly becomes awfully quiet, and beomgyu stared at taehyung's reaction. his eyes were glinting with excitement and a small boxy smile started forming on his lips.

"wait, hold on..." taehyung leans forward, getting more excited by the second.

"is it yeonjun?" he whispers, even when it was just the two of them in the room.

it was quite cute honestly, his teacher fanboying over his student's relationship status.

when beomgyu nodded, taehyung let out an excited squeal and beomgyu instantly turns red. taehyung gets up and starts shaking beomgyu.

"details, right now." taehyung demands, the glimmer in his eyes even more prominent than before.

beomgyu tells him everything, down to the smallest of details as the discreet finger interlacing, and he must admit that taehyung was indeed a good listener. he squealed at the right moments, and his attention was undivided when beomgyu was talking.

"i'm so happy for you!" taehyung says again, after beomgyu was done with his story telling session. beomgyu was happy, at least someone was positive about their relationship.

"should there be any secrets in relationships?" beomgyu asks, remembering about how yeonjun shut him off the previous night.

taehyung doesn't give him an immediate answer, but instead thinks about the question for a few seconds before coming to a feasible conclusion.

"you guys just started out together, maybe some things need time before he is willing to fully open up to you." taehyung suggests, and beomgyu just nods his head.

"jimin and i had tons of secrets that we didn't tell each other before we started dating, even when we were best friends just like how you and yeonjun were." taehyung continues, smiling a little at that memory.

"when did you open up?" beomgyu asks, and taehyung laughs.

"i was drunk. jimin was sober, and i ended up telling him everything about me when i was in my drunken state, and the next day we had a long talk about secrets that we never told each other before."

beomgyu was kind of taken aback. the words "taehyung" and "drunk" in the same sentence.

"how was the experience?"

"the talk? there was a mix of laughter and tears, but being drunk wasn't it, i had a massive hangover."

beomgyu giggled at that, and taehyung gives the student a genuine smile.

"can i give you one last advice?" taehyung asks, and beomgyu nods.

"if at any point in the relationship, you feel uncomfortable and need space to youself, do not feel ashamed to tell him that you need some time alone.

if you feel that the love is fading away, you can try and salvage it, but if it ends up hurting you then you should let go completely.

taking care of yourself is more important than anything else. if you are hurting then stop, don't bother getting back together with him."

beomgyu just looks at taehyung with a lost look in his eyes.

"can this really work?"

taehyung places his hand on beomgyu's hair and ruffles it endearingly, giving him a smile which beomgyu didn't quite understand, but it made his heart flutter a little.

"anything is possible, i wish you the best of luck."


they talked for a while more before beomgyu had to go, and beomgyu felt good. taehyung was more of a older brother than a teacher, willing to give advice whenever needed and was super nice and fun to be around with.

oh, and beomgyu would never admit this, but when taehyung hugged him goodbye he nearly screamed.

he left the classroom, and made his way back to his classroom for the next period, when he bumped into someone, literally.

he crashed into someone, and the other person's books came flying out his hands onto the floor, and beomgyu instantly picks them up and apologising profusely.

"i am so sorry!"

"it's fine."

beomgyu looks up to pass the books back to the boy, and they made eye contact.

the person had nice eyes, and they were quite firm and sharp, and it startled him a little. the eyes slowly morphed into a softer expression and he starts talking.

"you're beomgyu aren't you?"

beomgyu nods, and the boy suddenly laughs.

"don't be so scared of me! i'm wooyoung, from yeonjun's dance class."

he sticks out a hand, and beomgyu takes it.

his arms were very muscular, and he had a very strong grip.

"are you close with yeonjun?"

beomgyu was terrified of his reply, wooyoung was shorter than him, but a lot buffer and had stronger features. he was handsome.

"kind of? but he won't stop talking about you to the whole entire class, so his first priority is definitely you."

it made beomgyu feel a little better, but there was a naggy feeling in his brain that he couldn't really get rid off.

"it was nice meeting you!" wooyoung chirps, and leaves. beomgyu just stares at his back disappears in far sight, and the empty feeling in the pit of his stomach starts to form.

something didn't sit right inside of him.


a/n: oh!

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