11; storm

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beomgyu was becoming more and more distant as of late. everyone could tell, since he was no longer hanging out with them after school, always giving the same "i'm tired" excuse.

he doesn't even sleep over at yeonjun's house anymore, but instead they facetime for three hours before beomgyu cuts yeonjun short and goes to bed at 8pm.

they were worried, and they wanted to help. however, whenever they asked beomgyu if he was okay, he'll push them off, saying a quick "i'm fine" before scattering away. most of the time, he wasn't even in classes, and they realised that he had been skipping them the whole entire time.

it was rare, since beomgyu had a spotless attendance every single day in the year, only not attending classes when he was ill.

soobin tried talking to him, and whenever they passed by each other in the hallway, he would stop him and ask if he was fine, only to be met with the same emotionless stare and forced smile that beomgyu had on his face.

taehyun texted him daily, wishing him good morning and good night, passing him cute little notes and snacks during class. beomgyu did genuinely smile at them, but the empty feeling in his chest didn't exactly go away.

kai didn't do much, acting the same around beomgyu, which made him actually feel extremely relieved that someone was finally not treating him as if he's a sick dog in the rain, but treating him normally. however, he notices that kai is a lot clingier than usual, and his daily back hugs slowly became more of a hourly thing. beomgyu didn't mind, he liked the affection.

yeonjun was different.

he did something like kai, not treating beomgyu any different, but beomgyu could sense something was blocking the two, like a invisible wall. sometimes he would see yeonjun talking to someone else in the hallway, and the twisting feeling inside of his body overtakes him completely. he'll turn around and walk away, even if it meant that he'll probably be late for his next class.

beomgyu thought that yeonjun didn't know, but in actual fact, he knew. he wasn't blind and oblivious that beomgyu was ignoring him, and he didn't understand what happened to the younger.

they were on their respective beds again, lying down facetiming. beomgyu missed yeonjun's touch, and how his hands would naturally snake down beomgyu's body whenever they cuddled and watched a movie.

so why was he running away? beomgyu had no idea himself.

"beoms." yeonjun asks one day, and beomgyu hums in acknowledgment.

"why are you ignoring me?" yeonjun asks point blankly. he was blunt, and sometimes may even come off as rude, but beomgyu knows that he doesn't mean it that way. still, he was taken aback by his sudden abruptness.

"w..what?" beomgyu laughs nervously, and it didn't need a genius to tell that he was lying. yeonjun just sighs, and beomgyu sees him getting into a more comfortable position on his bed.

"go on, i'm waiting." yeonjun says, and beomgyu swallows down a gulp.

"i just need time for myself." beomgyu replies, mumbling softly as if he's telling yeonjun a deep secret or something.

"did i do something wrong?"


"then why are you avoiding me?"

yeonjun's biggest trait had to be super, super insistent. if he doesn't get the answer to his questions, he'll continue to press on. it is a really good trait, but it can be a handful.

"i'm not."

"shut up beomgyu."

beomgyu freezes. yeonjun only tells him to shut up as a lighthearted manner, but the way he spoke, the icy tone was like venom, shot out of his mouth and attacked beomgyu.

"how do you expect me to continue picking up the pieces of YOUR mess that YOU made yourself? i've been doing that for years. stop being so selfish for once."

for the first time, beomgyu was actually glad that they were calling instead of doing this face to face. if this were an open confrontation, he would definitely cry.

he just sits there, blinking at yeonjun's image on his phone screen, barely believing that that was actually his yeonjun, the one who always smiled at him, the one that was willing to give in to him at all costs, saying that because of one stupid misunderstanding.

"what? suddenly you can't talk? i thought you had a gigantic mouth." yeonjun sneers, sounding as if he had been meaning to say it the whole time.

"i've had enough of your nonsense. if you can't tell me where i did wrong, or why you are ignoring me, don't you dare call or text me ever again."

the line goes silent, but beomgyu still sees yeonjun's foxlike eyes glaring at him through the phone screen. he trembles, not daring to open his mouth.

"don't you dare call me hyung ever again."

and beomgyu instantly hangs up and threw his phone to the opposite end of his room, curling up into a ball on his bed and he tries his best to stifle an incoming sob.

it was the first time that he ever felt so utterly alone.

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