27; awkward

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the break up seemed to have some benefit after all, as beomgyu found himself spending his entire week living in the library, his head buried under a pile of books as he studied for his finals.

his finals had already started, and his whole personality shifted as well, and he started distancing himself from the whole friend group. after all, yeonjun was still there. he ignored the curious glances that soobin and kai gave him whenever they walked past him in the hallways, and muted the group chat's notifications and barely even touched his phone.

it didn't take long for the other three to realise that something was up between beomgyu and yeonjun, in fact, it took them one day.

all of them knew that beomgyu would never skip lunch with them, even if he was feeling exhausted and completely out of it. when beomgyu didn't appear, taehyun instantly stared at yeonjun, who suddenly took a sudden liking towards the greasy cafeteria floor.

"did you and gyu fight?" taehyun asked, finally breaking the awkward tension floating around the table.

yes? no? yeonjun didn't really know how to reply.

"maybe." yeonjun muttered, and taehyun just simply got out from his seat.

"i'm going to find him."

no one stopped him, and he left the table, leaving yeonjun with the lovesick couple on the lunch table.

"did you and gyu break up?" kai asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"how did you know?" yeonjun instantly replied, eyes widening in slight surprise.

soobin rolled his eyes, and kai shoved another mouthful of his sandwich in his filled mouth.

"it's painfully obvious, and you both have dark circled under your eyes, and they look swollen." soobin mumbled, kicking kai from under the table in an attempt to prevent the youngest from shoving the gigantic sandwich down his throat.

yeonjun sighed, and pushed his food to kai, who's eyes widened in glee and soobin groaned at the oldest.

"stop encouraging him." soobin whined.

"i'm already having a shitty day, don't make me snap at you." yeonjun spat out, glaring at soobin, but the glare was extremely weak, and he just looked like a tired ghost.

"you know, it's hard to take you seriously when you look like literal shit." soobin commented, which earned another glare from yeonjun.

"i have a korean exam in thirty minutes, and it ends two hours later. you bet your ass that i'll drag you and hyuka over at my place and we go on a movie marathon and you can spill the beans about your relationship." soobin continued, ignoring the glare and snatching the yoghurt away from his boyfriend's hands and stuffing it in his own mouth.

"deal! i'll get the tissues and you can get the snacks." hueningkai declared, looking at yeonjun with an excited grin on his face.

yeonjun hated to admit it, but he kind of missed it.

he missed his friends.

and he agreed, which earned a squeal of delight from hueningkai and a satisfied snort from soobin.


taehyun found beomgyu in the library, head buried in a book and his hoodie was up. taehyun sat down next to him, and patted his shoulder lightly, making beomgyu jump.

"sorry, i had my earpieces in." beomgyu immediately apologised, and took his earpieces out, looking away from the book and looking at taehyun instead.

taehyun took a while to take in beomgyu's appearance. eye bags sunken in and even darker than before, eyes looking puffy and red rimmed. his eyes shone, but they lost the playful spark that was always present.

although he looked like shit, taehyun thought that he was the most beautiful thing ever.

"i know i'm hot, but you don't have to stare at me like that." beomgyu joked light-heartedly, punching taehyun's shoulder lightly. taehyun hissed at beomgyu, and latched himself on the older's arm.

"are you planning to run away from him forever?" taehyun asked, and beomgyu kept quiet.

beomgyu had been downing himself with sad love songs for the past 24 hours, sitting numbly on his bed and trying to ignore the stupid tears that kept leaving his eyes.

he knew yeonjun was too good to be true.

but he still fell for him, and he still is in love with him, even when he broke his tiny heart into pieces.

"it's stupid." beomgyu said after a moment of silence. he tried to sound confident and normal, but his voice cracked, and part of his tough persona that he put on cracked as well.

"what's stupid?" taehyun asked, voice soft and comforting. he was still clinging onto beomgyu's arm, and beomgyu found it incredibly adorable.

"this whole love story."

neither of them talked after beomgyu said that, none of them knowing what to say to break off the awkward atmosphere that both of them accidentally created.

"you know that i'm forever by your side right?" taehyun finally said, letting go of beomgyu's arm to look at him eye to eye.

beomgyu didn't know how to feel, sure, him and taehyun sometimes do exchange some sweet words of encouragement to each other at times, but this time, beomgyu didn't feel the comfortable feeling that he used to have whenever taehyun comforted him.

"i've been wanting to ask you this for a while now," beomgyu said, ignoring the statement. "do you have a crush on me?"

taehyun blinked at that. what the hell what the hell what the hell.

"what if i do?"

"nothing, i just had a hunch."

"what if i told you that your hunch is correct?"

beomgyu's eyes wavered a little. he expected it, but why was he still slightly taken back?

"o..oh," he mumbled, scratching his head. "i'm sorry."

taehyun shook his head, "nah, it's fine."

beomgyu looked at taehyun's dark doe eyes, and he pouted unknowingly. he felt bad, not being able to reciprocate feelings for someone who definitely liked him, instead of faking it.

taehyun probably noticed beomgyu's eyes looking at him guiltily, so he gave his favourite hyung a head pat, and tugged at his hoodie sleeve.

"if you're really apologetic, let's go and buy ice cream, you're paying though."

and beomgyu giggled at that, and slammed his book shut, dragging taehyun out of the library with a giddy smile present on taehyun's face.


a/n: OH MY GOD i am so sorry for not posting☹️☹️☹️ i'm currently on the second week of my finals and my grandfather passed away yesterday and i was super busy, BUT ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE my exams end on friday!!! thank you for even reading this book🥹🫶🏻

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