23; found out

645 36 82

yeonjun went home at 12 midnight that day, and went to bed immediately.

his lockscreen lit up almost immediately once he fell onto his bed, and he saw messages from two people.

are you back home yet?

if you're still at the studio you bet your fat ass that i'll whack you once i see you tomorrow

if you're still alive send me a text

you're probably sleeping, rest well👀

yeonjun smiled a little when he read that, and his eyes shifted to the contact under that.

beomie bear 🐻🤍
are you home?

beomie bear 🐻🤍
i went to your house just now to give you your sweater, you left it at my place

beomie bear 🐻🤍
your mother said that you weren't home yet, you ok?

beomie bear 🐻🤍
you don't need to tell me though! but if you want to then go ahead ok?

beomie bear 🐻🤍
just rest well bby, i love you

a pang of guilt hit yeonjun, and he chewed at his lips to try and suppress the guilt that was close to suffocating him.

he opened his phone, and his finger hovered above beomgyu's text message. he pressed on it, and opened up the keyboard.

i love you too|

i love yo|

i lo|

he didn't want to send it.

can we talk tomorrow?

he heaved in a deep breath and sent it, turning off his phone so that he wouldn't see beomgyu's reply.

he was a coward, and he knew it.

he knew that he couldn't keep it up for much longer, since it'll be incredibly unfair for beomgyu if he continued to lie for an even longer period of time. however, beomgyu's finals were approaching in a week, and he knew that he won't do well for his exams if yeonjun decided to break up with him.

he'll probably wait until beomgyu's final paper before telling him.

yeonjun laid down on his bed, heart heavy and it felt like a huge weight was pushing down on him. beomgyu loved him, that was for sure, and he loved the younger back, just not in that way.

he was just confused.

kissing beomgyu felt nice, beomgyu's intimate touching was nice as well, but would yeonjun crave for it? no he wouldn't.

he knew he messed up, and he knew that this would be a hard one to clear up. he'll just try and make the last two weeks of this unrequited relationship the best ones for beomgyu, so maybe it wouldn't hurt him that much when they end things and will have fond memories to look back.

yeonjun's throat closed, and it usually happened only whenever he was going to cry.

but who was he to even cry anyways?

yeonjun knew that the relationship probably won't even last, and he definitely did not see himself living forever with beomgyu, especially not loving him romantically.

it was more of a short term crush?

yeonjun didn't even bother changing out of his clothing, feeling too exhausted to even get out of bed anymore.

so he laid down on his bed, listening the crickets chirping outside his window as he forced himself to catch on his much needed rest, while he suppressed his own urge of crying himself to sleep.


normally when beomgyu wasn't with yeonjun, he'll hang out with taehyun.

since beomgyu knew that yeonjun was probably not going to be home until late at night, he just invited taehyun over to his house to have a sleepover.

they were watching a movie, bodies tangled together. beomgyu liked cuddling taehyun, he was small, and snuggled perfectly in his arms. but yeonjun made him feel safe, and he liked that feeling a bit more.

beomgyu and taehyun weren't even watching the movie, both slowly falling asleep, the movie was more of background noise while they sleep.

beomgyu's phone lit up with a text message, and the brighness of the phone screen in the pitch dark room caused both of their eyes to look at the phone screen.

jjunie bby🫂
can we talk tomorrow?

beomgyu felt taehyun freeze next to him, and he placed the phone facing down, praying that taehyun didn't see the message.

too late!

"are you two dating or something?"

beomgyu wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.

"well, yes? kinda? yeah we are."

taehyun's face slowly formed a small smile of acknowledgment, but it wasn't genuine.

"i'm really happy for you, you've liked him for a long time, haven't you?"

beomgyu was slightly surprised by the lack of enthusiasm from taehyun, but he chose to ignore it.

"thank you tyun."

he smiled at the younger fondly, and taehyun suddenly turned his back against beomgyu, lying down at the other direction.

"i'm tired, good night gyu."

beomgyu just stared at taehyun, knowing that something was incredibly off. taehyun wasn't the type to get turned off immediately. did he do something wrong that affected his mood?

beomgyu continued to stare, but he chose not to pressure taehyun. it was getting late after all.

beomgyu pressed a small kiss on taehyun's neck, but both of them knew that the kiss was platonic.

"good night."


beomie bear 🐻🤍
yeah sure!<3 rest well bby~

beomgyu sent the message, and he noticed that the message didn't deliver, which meant that yeonjun's phone was turned off.

he shrugged it off, lying down next to taehyun and wrapping his hands around the younger's smaller frame.

that ruined taehyun's plans on wanting to cry himself to sleep.

he never knew how heartache felt like, but damn, he knew now.

it burned his heart in such a nasty way, it was like tearing his insides.

and why does he even let beomgyu continue to be this close to him? cheek kisses, cuddling and intimate touching, why did beomgyu let him hope?

and maybe he did want to yell at beomgyu for being an ass, but was he really an ass?

he wasn't.

and as a friend, he should he happy for beomgyu, and not dwell over it and wallow in self pity.

crying wouldn't do any hope as well.

all he could do is pray that yeonjun treats his crush as if he's the most precious thing in the world, since beomgyu deserves that and even more.


a/n: grandma update!

she's doing fine, the operation was a success, and she was slaying it 😦😦

thank you all for the well wishes, she appreciates them<3

my exam starts tomorrow, and it's CHINESE oh god if i pass it'll be a miracle

have a good day/night lovelies<3

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