5; art

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beomgyu liked art, but he wasn't the best at it.

taehyun is good in everything, and he's holding a scholarship. beomgyu was the opposite, he was a performing arts major, and he intends to be a composer when he grew up. he was failing almost every single subject, and taehyun was getting the top of the cohort for every single subject, and art wasn't an exception.

time passed by fast, and before they knew it, it was one week into the school year. they had art lessons three times a week, and mr kim doesn't bother teaching them, but instead he just lets them do their projects that were due at the end of the year.

as beomgyu expected, taehyun was already done mapping out his project, and was half done with this storyboard. he didn't start, at all.

"jesus you're such a fucking nerd." beomgyu snorts, punching taehyun lightheartedly when he peers to read the younger's storyboard.

"fuck off," taehyun jokes back, giggling and pushing beomgyu on the chest. "there's no way that you actually didn't do anything."

beomgyu shoves taehyun his empty notebook, that was supposed to be at least one page full by now, and taehyun lets out a "oh" before pushing the notebook back.

"good luck with that gyu."


taehyung stares at his students from his mahogany wooden table, finding his eyes drift to look at beomgyu. the boy was lying on the table, head in his hands, and he forced himself to swallow a laugh. he gets up from his table and walks towards beomgyu, and instantly eyes follow him.

his eyes never left beomgyu, and he could see taehyun frantically shaking beomgyu awake, and he stops the blonde, smiling at him.

"i'll wake him up." the teacher says, and taehyun nods.

he gently shakes beomgyu and the younger slowly stirs awake, and he made eye contact with him.

"oh my god i am so sorry!"

it was funny seeing the student immediately sit up and sputter apologies, but he shakes his head and pats the younger's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

"i'm not mad, stay back for a bit after lesson, i want to talk to you privately."

the class "oohs", and the teacher rolls his eyes and waved at them to continue doing work. he goes back to his table and he still looks at the formerly sleeping boy, this time throwing a wink at a flustered beomgyu.

oh he's interesting all right.


the class empties as soon as the bell rings, and beomgyu, taehyun and taehyung remain in the room.

"you're gonna be ok right?" taehyun asks, his eyes filled with concern. beomgyu didn't like talking to teachers one-to-one, and taehyun knew that.

"i'll be fine, i'll meet you at the cafeteria later." beomgyu reassures, wrapping his hands around the younger's small frame for a quick hug before taehyun leaves.

it was awkward, beomgyu was looking everywhere except for taehyung's eyes. it was awkward putting two socially awkward people together in one room, but taehyung starts talking to get the ball rolling.

"so...beomgyu." the teacher starts, and this time beomgyu looks at him. he beckons at beomgyu to come closer, and he does.

"do you have any problem with the project?"

beomgyu remains quiet, not knowing what to say. if he said yes i think he'll kill me.

"i won't eat you up if you said yes." taehyung jokes, and beomgyu turns a bright shade of red.

"i guess so." beomgyu mumbles, sighing, lying on the table with a defeated look written on his face. taehyung walks over to beomgyu's table and takes his empty notebook, writing the word "love" on it and passes the notebook back to him.

"close your eyes, and tell what does love mean to you?"

beomgyu blinks at the teacher, confused. taehyung still gives beomgyu the smile, the stupid kind smile that beomgyu clearly doesn't deserve, especially after sleeping in his class.

"just close your eyes." taehyung says, his voice deep and comforting. beomgyu closes his eyes, and he starts to think.

"so what is love to you?"

beomgyu thinks, and he thought of his mom's tteokbokki, his parrot toto, honey rice cake and stir fried beef tripe from daegu, yeonjun.
"it's a feeling." beomgyu answers uncertainly.

taehyung nods, a sign for beomgyu to continue.

"the feeling i get whenever i want to spend time with someone, or when i crave for food."

his answer sounds super stupid when he thought about it, and he cringed internally. he could only could hear taehyung's steady breathing and his own, and his own thoughts.

"what is a strong love to you then?"

beomgyu thinks, and he opens his mouth and answers.




playing guitar.


he stops speaking once yeonjun's name pops up in his head, nagging at him to say his name.

"anyone or anything specific?" taehyung asks, his voice was like light in the darkness, and beomgyu sought comfort in that.

"y..yeonjun." beomgyu stammers out, finding that his heart flutters in euphoria once his angelic name leaves his mouth.

he couldn't see the teacher's reaction when he said yeonjun's name, but the room went quiet for a while before taehyung's voice starts ringing in his ears again.

"what's so interesting about yeonjun that you love more than other people? what's so interesting about him that you said his name before taehyun's, or anyone of your friends' names?"

that was a good question.

"i love taehyun, but yeonjun....is just different."

he thinks about the first time he and yeonjun had a sleepover, and how yeonjun looked so beautiful in his sleep. he thinks about yeonjun's cute little habits, his lips pout in concentration whenever he was doing work. he thinks about yeonjun's crystal like tears that he always tried to hide from him, but ultimately breaking down after making brief eye contact with him.

"the others are my best friends, but he's my best friends and a bit more than that. i think he's my best friend for life."

maybe taehyung felt pleased with his answer, and he asks the student to open his eyes. he gives beomgyu another smile and he ruffles his hair, and the nagging guilt that never left beomgyu starts eating him on the inside.

"take time to think about it. take inspiration off the thing or person that you feel most connected to. you're a good student beomgyu, and i believe that you can ace this. come to me if you need help, my arms are open for you 24/7."

and with that, taehyung sends a final wink at beomgyu before leaving the room, leaving a hopeful beomgyu sitting on his desk.


a/n: omg beomgyu's confused about his feelings how we all feeling

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