17; mwacks

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tw//kiss scene

yeonjun always wanted to carpool ever since he was 13. he remembered when his parents took him for a long road trip, and it was just their car speeding down the long road, windows winded down and the air breezing past them. the music was on full blast, and it was very memorable for tiny yeonjun.

he is going to turn 18 this year, and he was of age to get a driving license. he really wanted to rent a camper car and go camping with someone, without their phones or anything that requires communication, so it'll just be them, and them only.

and he wanted to bring beomgyu with him.

his birthday wasn't here yet, so he couldn't get his license, so instead of the usual daily hangouts, yeonjun started blasting music in his room whenever beomgyu came over, and they will either study or karaoke until late night.

"is this really your idea of carpooling?" beomgyu screamed over the loud music, and yeonjun was twerking on his bed.

"fuck yeah!!"

beomgyu laughed loudly, staring fondly at his favourite hyung as he jams out to the ear deafening music.

yeonjun was happy, and it made beomgyu happy.

after the whole song was over, the room fell quiet, and yeonjun flopped on the bed, panting a little. beomgyu heaves himself onto yeonjun's bed, lying on top of him, which made the older whine.

"you're heavy."

"but you're soft." beomgyu said, giggling and cuddling yeonjun tightly.

they stayed like that for a while, both of their eyes closing. they enjoyed each other's warmth, and it was comforting to know that they had each other's backs no matter what.

"hyung?" beomgyu asks after a while, eyes closed.

"yes?" yeonjun replies, his voice sounding sleepier than before.

"who are you bringing along with you to carpool?"


yeonjun didn't hesitate, and he didn't feel flustered after saying that. he spoke from his heart, so there was no reason to feel flustered.

but beomgyu started blushing.

"me?" beomgyu asks, holding yeonjun a little tighter.

"yeah, you." yeonjun says again, smiling a little to himself.

they were quiet again, and beomgyu tried to calm his racing heart down, hoping that yeonjun doesn't feel his heart hammering loudly in his chest.

"can you get off me?" yeonjun laughs, and beomgyu rolls off, now facing yeonjun face to face.

"better?" beomgyu asks, his eyes locked with yeonjun's. yeonjun was incredibly pretty, and even prettier up close.

sometimes, imperfection is perfection. yeonjun's skin wasn't very clear, there were still some small pimples on his face, and he does some things that may seem to be childish, which is unlike the charismatic exterior he puts on.

yeonjun also realises how pretty beomgyu was, his hair was growing longer, and his bangs were too. his eyes were soft, and his nose was sharp. his eyelashes were so long, and he had a kind smile.

"better." yeonjun whispers, his eyes trailing down to beomgyu's lips.

beomgyu freezes, still looking at yeonjun who was now staring at his lips, and he licks them, a little bit scared.

yeonjun leans closer, the distance between them closing little by little. they were still lying down on the bed, but both of then suddenly sit up.

yeonjun inches closer and closer, and beomgyu suddenly forgets how to breathe. he was blinking madly, trying to tell himself to calm down.

what the heck what the heck what the heck

yeonjun was even closer now, their noses almost touching, and yeonjun still doesn't show any sign of stopping.

their noses touch, and yeonjun breaks out a small smile.

"do you want to try...?" yeonjun asks, politely.

fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me

beomgyu was losing his marbles, his shit, his sanity, everything. his heart was beating faster than it had ever beaten, and he was actually sweating.

"y..yes." he stammers out, and yeonjun gives him a soft smile.


their could feel each other's warm breathing, and both of them were internally freaking out.

"yeah, really." beomgyu confirms, closing his eyes. yeonjun takes it as a sign that he was ready, and he leans forward a final time....

and their lips met.

it was a weird but exciting feeling, yeonjun's lips were super soft on beomgyu's and it tasted like lemon. beomgyu's lips tasted exactly like what yeonjun had expected it to taste like, strawberries.

they pulled away after a while, and the two of them stared at each other, their faces looking equally flustered.

"that," yeonjun said, laughing a little. "was something."

beomgyu didn't say anything, but laughs too, his heart calming down but was still racing.

"can we try again?" beomgyu asked, feeling a lot more daring.

and they didn't need to be told twice before they locked lips again, this time even longer. the world slowly faded away, and they only focused on each other, the feeling of their lips connecting became more euphoric than weird. the feeling that they were together, a bond that was no longer "we-are-childhood-friends-and-nothing-more".

yeonjun slowly made his way down to beomgyu's neck, and he planted small kisses there, and beomgyu lets him.

"tell me when you want me to stop."

beomgyu hummed, and yeonjun just continued kissing beomgyu's neck.

"don't give me a hickey."

"will do."

it was a nice feeling, yeonjun's soft lips on his body, on his skin.

was he finally dating him?

it was something that beomgyu wanted for so long. he loved yeonjun, was that day going to be start of it all?

yeonjun stops kissing him, and they look at each other. their hearts were full, and it was clear that the gaze that they gave each other was way more than a "just friends" gaze.

"what are we?" beomgyu asks.

yeonjun just stares at him, hearts radiating out of his entire body.

"whatever you want us to be."


"then boyfriends it is." yeonjun says, smiling widely at his former best friend, who was looking back at him with a similar smile on his face.

oh it was an interesting night alright.


a/n: idk how to write a kiss scene but here u go:)

also we hit 1k reads???😟😟😟😟 thank you so much!:(💗

thank you so much for supporting this book, mwacks for all of you!<3

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