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When purpled opened (2/4) of his eyes he found that he was tied up in a run down hotdog van next to boxes of buns and a few brewing stands. He squinted around, his antenna twitching under his hood.

"Well well well. Welcome to L'manburg!"
"Why am I here Wilbur?"
"Ah, Straight to the point," he sat down on a nearby hotdog box," we have brought you here to ask you some questions."
"That'll cost you, you know."
Tommy crossed his arms and glared at him," no, you are going to tell us everything you know about Dream or we are not letting you go."
"That's why you kidnapped me?" If it wasn't sad he'd be laughing,

"Yes. You're his brother so you've got to know something."
The others nodded in agreement.
"I haven't had a full out conversation with Dream for five years." It had been so when he just barely escaped and he was being welcomed back.
He sent them a glare.
"Well, what about Punz?"
"Oh, it's only been about a month since we've talked."
"Do you- do you know anything about him?"
"I'm not telling you anything about Punz. Can I go now?" I need to get home, Dogchamp in waiting for me. He started bouncing his leg impatiently.

Wilbur drags his hands down his face, his wings ruffling in frustration. Their one lead was a total waste and now they had a random teenager tied up in his van. He looks over to where tubbo and Tommy are having a full on conversation with just their eyes and random hand movements, and fundy who was watching them as well with no understanding of what they were saying.

"Well," Tubbo finally asked," if you don't know anything about Dream, would you like to tell us what you spend all your time doing? You disappear for months and I can't be the only one slightly suspicious."
"I've literally been in my UFO but okay."
"Really?" Tommy continued," doing what?"

Now there were a few answers to this, including: taking care of dogchamp, avoiding people, not being kidnapped, gardening, and fixing his spaceship so he can leave this awful place.
Of course he can't just say that because if Dream found out there was no way he was leaving.

So he answered in the obvious way to get them off his back:


"Just answer the question! Why are you being so difficult!"
"Hey, Maybe it's because I was kidnapped for no reason."
"Fine. This interrogation isn't going anywhere. We'll eat dinner and ask him later."

The five lmanburgians angrily left the van to regroup and think of more questions to ask and to also contemplate their life choices. Purpled sat in silence, contemplating his life choices as well, fidgeting with the rope that tied his wrists together.

Turns out that they really sucked at tying rope as well as kidnapping and getting information. After ten minutes purpled stood up and left. He needed to fix his UFO. He did not want to be kidnapped again.


After dinner Tommy went to go check on their prisoner. He opened the door of the van to see that there was no one inside. The feathers around his ears stuck up in alarm.


As they continued yelling Eret decided that he never wanted to assist in kidnapping ever again.

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