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"WILBUR! Wilbur, purpled is a hybrid!" Tommy pushed them forward like a child showing of his newest stick figure drawing. Purpled, however, looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. His four eyes blinking tiredly.

"Oh my god he's an alien."
"What the heck? Why is that everyone's first thought?"
"No, no it makes sense, he came here in his UFO," Purpled tried to hide his flinch at that," he has no social skills, Dream is his brother meaning that Dream is an alien too, which explains a lot-"

"Hey I have great social skills, thank you, and I'm a moth hybrid. Did you guys really not notice Punz's actual moth wings or are you just stupid?"

"Hey! we are trying our best, bitch!" Tommy shouted.
"Is Dream a moth hybrid too? Just without wings?"

Purpled stared at him in confusion," no? Dream definitely has wings?"
"Why does he hide them?"

And, fuck. Why did Dream hide them? When they were kids he had been so proud of his huge wings that would tower over any four year old. When he came back did he just not realize that a big part of his brother was missing?

"I don't know..."

"...that's ok big man! It won't matter once we beat him."
"Thanks Tommy."

"Also can I have my hoodie back?"
"Purpled i swear if you start hiding your traits again I will fill your bed with knives."
"I agree. Purpled, as a citizen of L'manburg I order you to take care of yourself and stop being an idiot and hiding your traits, it's not healthy."
"Yes, because Wilbur knows about self care."
"What! Fundy! I'm being attacked by my own son!"
"He's not wrong."
"Wait I'm a citizen of Lmanburg?"

They all looked at Purpled, who had only half of his hoodie pulled on.

"Did you really think you weren't a L'manburgian?"
"Yah? I assumed you guys were too nice  to tell me to leave?"
"You of all people should know we are not nice."
"Yep. You're part of our family now. No take backs. You can't leave."

"Ha, it's an honor to be part of the idiots club."

Purpled was walking home with his eyes open and flowers sticking out of his hear around his feathery antennae. They flicked at every noise in the forest around them. He stopped abruptly when he saw a figure standing beneath his UFO.

"Punz?" He smiled, it had been awhile since he saw his brother.

They turned around to see him, their brown wings shifted behind them, creating a papery sound and exposing the pink under wing with bright blue eyes staring at the world around them.

"Hey, I was wondering where you were."
He smiled," just taking dog champ for a walk."
"Ah yes, dog champ, the totally normal dog."
"I don't know what you're talking about dog champ is obviously your everyday dog."
Dog champ waged his tail at hearing his name in the conversation, his tongues hung out of his mouth and his eyes glowed brighter.

"Yah... anyway I see you've stopped covering your antennas, is that a new thing?"
"Oh, today actually. I was thinking about it and decided that it was stupid to keep hiding them." He quickly lies.
"Dream won't be the happiest about that."
Purpled just shrugged and looked away.

"Well I think it was about time anyways. And on the subject of Dream, he wanted you to stay away from the whole war thing that was going on."

"Yah! I know you're really against the whole revolution thing since hypixle... but he wanted me to tell you anyways. Says he has a big plan and doesn't want you getting caught up in it."
"Thanks, I'll be carful."

"Ha! I don't think you know how to be careful."
"Last time you visited you where complaining that I didn't get out enough."
"Just because you never leave your UFO doesn't mean you're carful."
"Wow, if you're going to bully me you can leave."
"Nope! Don't think I will."
"Dog champ get him."
"Wait I'm leaving, I'm leaving."

Purpled smiled as he walked away, hoping the next visit would be sooner then the last.

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