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As he walked through L'manburg he  felt unease growing in his stomach. There was new buildings littered around and there was multiple buildings straight up Missing.

He regretted not bringing dog champ with him.

When he got to were the hotdog van should be he was met with an empty space. The pit in his stomach doubled.

He turned and left the area.
Soon he saw Wilbur a ways in front of him. He quickened his pace to catch up before halting in his tracks.

Wilbur was missing his wings.

Dread and horror crawled up his throat.

Wilbur was missing his wings.

He took a shaking step back and promptly left. He took a deep breath that felt more like a gasp, hands clutched on the fabric of his hoodie.

He needed to find Tommy. Or Tubbo. They would know what happened.

Purpled was almost sprinting through L'manburg at this point. When he saw the head of blond hair he tripped over his feet before catching himself and jogging up to his friend.

"Tom," he slowed down," Tommy-"
"Fuck you!"
"You betrayed L'manburg, you betrayed us! You can't just come back- and- fuck you! Fuck you bitch!"

It felt like his brain was filled with muddy water, all knowledge of what he did to make Tommy genuinely angry missing.

"Leave. You obviously didn't care before so fuckin leave," he shoved Purpled before stomping away.

And purpled was alone again, standing on an empty path.

His limbs felt numb. It was like the whole world shifted a couple inches to the left right under his feet and he was left stuck trying to catch back up.

He didn't know when he zoned back in but he shook his head and started towards the bakery. The lady there would know happened, right? The fact that she was in L'manburg proved she probably knew Wil, she'd have to have heard what happened.

He almost slammed the door open when he arrived, the little bell announcing him jingles above his head.

"Hey?" She was sitting in a chair behind the counter.

Purpled walked the rest of the way in before stopping. He still felt empty and drained from everything that had happened today.

"Do you know what happened to L'manburg in the last three weeks?"
She narrowed her eyes," what do you mean?"
"I was... missing for awhile, I don't know what happened while I was gone."

She nodded slowly.

"That makes sense I guess..." Bakery lady took a deep breath, the orange striped quills rattle around her ears," you know about the whole war that was going on? Well they had their final battle about three weeks ago- I'm guessing that's what you were missing."

Purpled clutched at the fabric of his hoodie. He missed it. They has a big battle and he wasn't there.

"Anyways they lost everything, the country was blown up and Eret led them into a trap where they all lost a life. Afterwards Tommy fought Dream and lost another life, he ended up trading his disks for L'manburg's freedom. Dream then revealed that apparently another member of L'manburg, someone named Purpled, placed all the tnt."

"He said what?"
She looked back at him, slightly shocked.
"I mean why wouldn't he? Of course, he always has a plan, always needs to make sure things go his way."
"Are you ok?"
"No, I need to go yell at someone."

He stomped away, ready to fight his fucking brother.
Maybe it was good he ran into Tommy first.

"What? I- I told you to fucking leave, bitch."
"No, I just found out Dream told you I placed the tnt, and you believed him?"
"Why would green bitch boy lie?" He looked a bit unsure as he said it.
"When hasn't he?"
"Fine. I guess you have a point or some shit- still that doesn't excuse that you weren't there!"

Purpled didn't respond. Because Tom was right. He wasn't there and they paid the price. He thought it would be fine to leave for a bit. To spend extra time mining when the others are fighting for their home. And maybe he doesn't want to fight himself but that doesn't change the fact that he didn't even show up to help in anyway.

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