Voting time

310 16 7

Punz was not having a good time.

Wilbur, schlat, and Quackity were all fighting and the voting hasn't even started yet.

He glares at the two and honestly, if he wasn't being paid, they wouldn't even have shown up.
Dream had come to them not even ten minutes ago and just told them to "shoot Wilbur." Maybe they should start charging more for last minute jobs.

They glance over the quickly growing crowd before making eye contact with their brother, who was being dragged over by Tommy. It was nice to know they weren't the only one who wanted to be anywhere else at the moment.

It's good that Purpled getting out more. A little frustrating that he was hanging out with the fucking revolutionists, (yah, they weren't going to talk about how angry dream was about that,) but he is pretty sure spending all your time in one building isn't healthy.

"Why the fuck would anyone want a drunk as their president?" Wilbur's yelling snapped their attention back to the people he was being paid to watch. They could feel their headache already doubling.

"Why the fuck would anyone want a wingless bird hybrid as their president?"

Punz's wings twitch behind them. Maybe he would just shoot Schlat anyways.

Quackity, thankfully, steps in to stop the two before fighting starts up. He might be annoying but at least he knows when to step in.

The rest of the election was incredibly boring. Punz was definitely not being paid enough. By the time they finally got to announcing who won they were ready to cut their losses and leave.

He loaded his crossbow as they announced Wilbur the winner, only for Schlat to step forward and declare that he, himself had an announcement. Punz would kill him for free at this point just let him go home.

"Me and Quackity have decided to combine our votes."
"You already asked me that last night schlat, I said no."
"Hm.. I don't see it written down anywhere."
"That's no how it fuckn works yo-"
"Tommy, let me handle it," Wilbur crossed his arms," under who's authority did you do this? I certainly said no."
Schlat smiled," Dreams authority."

Punz sighed, that definitely sounded like something Dream would do.

"And, as my first decree as president, I would like to exile Wilbur soot and Tommy innit!"

The ram hybrid started laughing as the two hurried to leave as George brought out his sword.

Punz aimed the arrow at the back of Wilbur's skull before deciding to aim lower at his arm. He owed Wilbur for taking care of their brother. And Dream only said to "shoot" him, if he wants the ex president dead he'll have to pay them more.

The arrow flies through the air and Punz goes home.

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