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Y'all I'm procrastinating so hard right now so here is some lore I came up with while staring at a wall

Also this is the last piece of lore stuff I'm explaining through a full on chapter thing so from now on it'll be solid story

Also this is the last piece of lore stuff I'm explaining through a full on chapter thing so from now on it'll be solid story

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Also really bad drawing of dogchamp


Elder gods-not bound by laws of physics
                  -each have a dimension they rule over
                   -must be alive for eons and impacted thigs throughout their lives
                  -at this point can't be killed
                  -must have at least one angel

Godlings : -can manipulate reality within limits of the things they reign over
                             (Foolish would be just as powerful as drista if he didn't shun the "death" side of his powers)
                  -no responsibilities
                  -centuries old
                 -can technically be killed under the right conditions
                 At this point can bestow angel hood

Green gods: -pretty much a really powerful human with busts in whatever they reign over
                               (So techno isn't able to control others blood or heal them, but if he lives long enough to be a godling he would be)

Gods are usually created when a mortal embodies specific traits (Kristin for example tended to the dead when a sickness plagued her home. She strongly believes the dead should be taken care of so slowly over time she became a god)

However people can make themselves gods through the process of creating an angel. If someone could bestow angel hood on another they would immediately become a godling

Angels are the only people that can fly. Even if a hybrid has wings they can't fly at all, but can glide in some cases. (Phil can fly while Wilbur, Tommy, and Punz can't) gods can give their angels wings as well

A godling or elder god can make anyone an angel but a mortal has to preform a ritual under very specific circumstances.

Gods and their angels:
Kristin: philza
XD: unknown
Drista: none
Foolish: was eret before they died in a past life
Techno: none
Jack manifold: none

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