Wilbur is being stupid again

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"Niki, meet me at the entrance of L'manburg. It's important"

Niki sighs as she reads Wilbur's message. This was the fifth time this week that there was something important he wanted to talk about.

"Purpled, Will you watch the shop? It's Wilbur again."

"No." The boy didn't look up as he drank his honey flavored coffee with dog champ sitting on the booth across from him and his sword laid on the table.

"I'll pay you."
"Cool. Have fun dragging Wilbur out of another mess."

She couldn't help but laugh. At this point purpled was an employee at her bakery.

When she arrived at the meeting point Wilbur was pacing the ground. His eye bags didn't seem any better then the last time she saw him.

"Niki! I messed up."
"What happened? Are you ok?"
"Well, I, well I was thinking. About how nobody listens to me anymore."
Niki furrowed her brows.

"And so I was thinking about what would establish my leadership, and I realized that we should have an election!" He waved his hands in big exaggerated movements," and we could close the ballots so you could only vote for me and Tommy. But fucking Quackity found out and now he's running as well."

"I don't see what's wrong? Most of L'manburg likes you better?" Because honestly who would vote against him? Tommy, Tubbo, and fundy looked up to him. Purpled never interacted with Quackity and seems to like Wilbur. And Niki was his best friend, why wouldn't she vote for him.

"What if he wins? What am I if I'm not the president?"
"Wil you are still important even if you are not president. L'manburg was made because we wanted choices."

He continued on ignoring what Niki had to say, growing even more worried,"and now Fundy wants to run as well. My own son!"
"Wait Fundy is running?"
"No, I told him he couldn't unless he had a Vice President."
"Oh! I could run with him, it'll be fun."

Wilbur just shook his head.

"Wil, it'll be fine. Fundy could be a great president and if somehow Quackity wins he wouldn't be horrible either. You need to trust your people to vote for you."

And maybe that was the problem. Figuring out who you can trust when the little brother of the person who wants you dead is more trustworthy then one of your close friends.

"I hope you're right Niki."
"Let's go back to my bakery, the longer we're here the more I have to pay Purpled."
He snorted," what are you even paying him in?"
"Mostly pastries and any iron or red stone I have. Don't know what he's doing with them but it's relatively cheap."
"Don't let him hear you, he'll raise his prices."

Niki smiled.

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