Hes on a mission

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Whatever Wilbur was expecting to happen two weeks after the kidnapping incident, this wasn't it. The group was just sitting around a fire eating hotdogs and s'mores, minding their own business. They would talk or tell stories and every once in a while wilbur would play his guitar. It was nice and the mood was bright.

So when two figures appeared at the edge of the woods he was immediately wary.

The first one was Purpled, dragging his feet and looking half dead as he followed the other.

The second figure was something he'd never seen before. It was big enough to be mistaken for a short bear or a very large wolf and was covered in tons of grey fur and had glowing eyes. Panicking, he realized it was coming straight for them.

How Purpled found the thing just to get revenge for getting kidnapped, he did not know. What he did know was that it was now sitting down right next to him and was staring deeply into his soul.

Purpled arrived to the scene looking like he had never slept a day in his life. The teen just stood there watching the fire, too tired to find the situation awkward. Nobody moved for a solid minute before Purpled turned his head to Wilbur and began what would probably be some speech on revenge and how no one should have messed with the child who had a monster as a guard dog.

"I think he wants your hotdog." Were the only words to come out of the boy's mouth.

They stared at each other for another minute until Wilbur realized that he was completely serious. That maybe Purpled wasn't here to murder him.

Carefully, Wilbur pulled the hotdog of of the stick he was using to roast it and handed it to the thing. It gently grabbed the hotdog with his teeth before eating it whole. It waged its tail once in happiness before laying its head down and closing some of its eyes.

Purpled just stared at the mutated wolf from some child's nightmare. He sighed before continuing on.
"I don't think he wants to leave. I won't bother you but I'm not sure I can get him to move right now."
He glanced at the thing, which only wagged its tail again at being acknowledged.

Tommy decided that this was the perfect time to ask what was probably the most important question at that moment," what the fuck is he."

"... He's a dog."

Purpled looked very confused, as if it was obvious that the monster before them was 100% your every day dog that you could get at the pet store.

"Oh. I see." Wilbur did not see. He was still certain that this was not a dog and that it could eat them all if it wanted. But he figured that it was best not to question it.


Dog champ was smart. He knew It probably wasn't healthy for his person to not sleep for days and have almost no human contact. So when purpled came home the morning before looking dead on his feet only to then not move for next 33 hours dogchamp made the decision that they needed to go on an emergency walk to get purpled out of the house and maybe get the boy to eat something.

It's not that Dogchamp couldn't go on a walk or find food for himself, the base was made so that if purpled couldn't come home for a day he could still leave and dogchamp was very good at hunting, but it was obvious that Purpled needed to get out.

They were walking through the woods and the moth hybrid boy looked a bit better then he did before. And that is when the smell of hotdogs hit his nose. He was good at smelling far away things. He did a quick wag of his tail before carefully grabbing the sleeve of Purpled's sweatshirt and started to pull him towards the smell. The tired teen just followed slowly, his antenna limp under his hood.

Yes, Dogchamp was very smart, he knew what he was doing.

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