Chapter 1: Jack Kelly's POV

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Three months. I can't believe that it had been three months since Crutchie, Jojo and I left New York, and our lives have been gotten better ever since.

We managed to find a Lodging House where all of the newsies immediately offered us to work with them, and we managed to earn more money than what we used to earn in New York, but we always made some time to ride some palominos every once in a while.

But as much as I didn't want to admit it to Crutchie and JoJo, I sort of missed New York. Well, I missed Davey, Les, Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Katherine, and Ms. Medda. I don't miss any of the newsies that we left behind. Well, maybe except Albert since Crutchie and Jojo told me that Albert was the one who told them that all of the newsies were planning to hunt me down.

Well, I did promise them that I would try to visit them whenever I could. I did say that before I went onto the train to Santa Fe and in all of the letters that I wrote to all of them.

I haven't told Crutchie or Jojo, but I have been saving up enough money to buy three tickets to New York, so that we could visit them again, but I still saved enough money for three tickets to head back to Santa Fe. I don't intend to stay in New York for that long; just long enough for everyone who still cared about us to see us after a while, then we will head back to Santa Fe. Maybe we could stay in New York for a week or two if I manage to avoid the other boys as much as possible.

But before I do any of that, I should let Crutchie and JoJo know that we will go back to New York to visit.

"Hey, Crutchie? Hey, Jojo?"

"Yeah, Jack?", Jojo responded.

"What is the problem, Jack?"

"There is no problem. I just wanted to give you guys these tickets to New York", I answered as I held out the tickets.

"What?! We are going back to New York?"

"Not to stay there forever. You guys were right, I missed everyone who still cared about us, so I bought three tickets for us to visit New York, but I was thinking that we would stay there for a week or two, then we will come back to Santa Fe"

"Sounds fine to me, Jack"

"I think that it would be a good idea. To let Davey know that we are coming. I'm sure that he will set up some kind of 'welcome back' celebration"

"He might, but I should still let him know". I grabbed a piece of paper, then I started to write out the letter.

Hi, Davey,

I know that it has been three months since I have been in New York, but I have to admit that I missed New York, more specifically the people who still cared about me when I left.

So, I bought three train tickets to come back to New York in order to visit, but we will not stay there for long. Maybe for about a week or two.

I can't wait to see you in New York. We will probably be there tomorrow or the day after that.

I will see you soon, Davey.



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