Chapter 12: David Jacobs' POV

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Once I brought Spot Conlon back to the apartment, Jojo looked surprised and upset that I brought him here in the first place.

"Davey, what is going on? Why is Spot Conlon here? Does he know that...". He pulled me closer to him and whispered to me. "Does he know that Jack is here? Do you not remember that he wanted to hunt down Jack three months ago?"

"I know, but I can explain. First of all, where is Jack?"

"I am not sure. After he left with you, he never came back to the apartment. Crutchie went out to look for him, but he hasn't come back yet". What? Jack never came back? Did he stay at the Lodging House? There is no way that he would have been able to do that.

Suddenly, Crutchie came into the apartment, out of breath and concerned.

"Davey! We have a problem! Jack has been captured by the Harlem newsies!". Then, he noticed Spot Conlon. "What in the world are you doing here?!"

"I will explain that, but first, tell what happened!"

"Ok, I have been trying to find him because he just left after the party and never came back, and after I went to Katherine's place and Ms. Medda's theater, I decided to look for him near the Lodging House, but then that was I saw him get kidnapped by a couple of the Harlem newsies"

"I was worried that would happen"

"What are you talking about? Why would you ever worry about Jack? I thought that you wanted him hunted down and beaten up?"

"Watch it, Crip"

"Make me, you Brooklyn mutt!"

"Crutchie, calm down! Let us explain the real reason that Spot wanted Jack to be found". Spot and I started to explain that he just wanted Jack to be protected in Brooklyn from the Harlem newsies.

"So, you just wanted to protect Jack? Not beat him up?"

"Exactly. Look, Jack can be a wisecracker and an idiot, but that doesn't mean that I want him to be seriously hurt by anyone. Well, unless if I am the one who does it"

"Well, we have to help him!"

"But how? There is no way that the three of us can fight Harlem and expect to win!"

"Not unless if you have Brooklyn right behind you. I can have some of my boys help you with backup"

"You will help us get Jack back? But what happened with not doing anymore favors for him?"

"Like I said, even a person like Jack doesn't deserve to die at the hands of the Harlem newsies, so of course I will help you! But if any of you tell anyone about this, then I will hunt you all down and make you regret it"

"But even with Brooklyn on our side, Harlem isn't going to play fair. If they know that something is up, then they could just kill Jack. They have that advantage over us"

"Crutchie has a point. If Spot shows up, then the Harlem newsies will definitely know that something is up. If Crutchie, Jojo or I show up, then they might kidnap us as well. I think that there is only one option that we have"

"What is it?"

"... I think that we have to tell Race and the others what happened"

"You kidding me, right?! I am not going to ask for help from the others! I doubt that they will even help us in the first place! They don't even like Jack anymore, so what makes you think that they will help him?!"

"Davey, that is a crazy idea. There is no way that they will ever want to do anything to help Jack"

"Look, I know that it sounds insane, but it is the only option that we have that could possibly help Jack"

"I am not happy about it, but think about Jack. I am willing to go with this idea if it will save him from Harlem"

"... Jack is still my older brother and he has always been there for me, so now it is time to return the favor to him"

"... Fine, I will do it for Jack"

"Alright, let's do this. Spot, are you coming?"

"Of course, I am! I would love to get those Manhattan newsies a piece of my mind"

"Ok, let's go save Jack". Hopefully, the other boys would help us save Jack. I don't think that they would hate that much that they would just let him suffer at the hands of the Harlem newsies.

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