Chapter 2: David Jacobs' POV

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I can't believe that it has been three months since Jack left New York and Crutchie and Jojo went with him. It hasn't been the same without them here. I always expect them to be at the Lodging House, but then I always remember that they are not even in the state anymore.

The letters helped a lot with dealing with the fact that they might not come back. At least the ones who miss them, but sometimes they make us miss them even more.

I wish that things were different. That Jack didn't feel like he had to run away from New York because of the people he thought he could depend on. Speaking of them, most of them gave up on the search for Jack since it was just a waste of time and they accepted that Jack must have been really good at hiding from them since it wouldn't have taken three months for all of the newsies to find him. If only they knew where he actually was.

Anyways, I should just wait for the mail. Maybe Jack sent another letter in the mail. I went outside to wait for the mail boy to bring whatever mail that we have for today. After a few minutes of waiting, the mail boy came to my apartment.

"Davey Jacobs?"

"Yes, that's me"

"Here's a letter for you". He handed a letter, then left to continue with his other deliveries. It looks like another letter from Jack. I know that messy handwriting from anywhere.

I opened the letter and started to read it. I had to read it a couple more times to make sure that I was reading it correctly. Jack is coming back to New York? He is coming back to visit?

I immediately ran inside the apartment to tell my parents, Sarah, and Les the exciting news.

"Hey, everyone. Guess what? Jack is coming back to New York!"

"Really?! Is he staying?", Les asked excitedly.

"Well... No. He said that they were just going to visit for about a week or two weeks"


"But at least he decided to visit, even if it is for a short while", Sarah commented. Les smiled at that comment, but he still looked disappointed that Jack wasn't going to stay forever.

"Well, we should make sure that the kid has a very special 'welcome back' celebration when he comes back. When did he say he would come back?"

"He said that he would probably come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow"

"Well, we better prepare for their arrival. Davey and Sarah, why don't you tell Ms. Medda and Katherine that Jack is coming back?"

"Ok, Dad"

"Ok, Dad". Sarah and I walked out the front door and headed to Katherine's apartment and knocked on her door.

"Oh. Hi, Davey. Hi, Sarah. What can I do for you two?"

"Well, we just wanted to tell you that Jack, Crutchie and Jojo are coming back to New York"

"Really?! When?!"

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow"

"Great, is he staying?"

"No, he is only going to come back for about a week or two weeks"

"Oh, well. At least he is coming back and we get to see him again. So are we having a celebration for them?"

"Actually, we were just going to ask if you wanted to come over to our apartment to have the celebration?"

"Of course, I will be more than happy to come over. Just let me know when Jack, Crutchie, and JoJo are here"

"We will, Katherine. Anyways, we have to go and let Ms. Medda know that they are coming back. Come on, Sarah"

"Bye, Katherine". We left Katherine's apartment, then headed toward Ms. Medda's theater.

"I can't believe that Jack is finally coming back to New York. I can't wait to see him again"

"Yeah, I can't wait, but we wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over to our apartment and join our celebration for when Jack, Crutchie, and JoJo come back?"

"Of course, I will. Just let me know when I need to come over"

"We will, Ms. Medda. Anyways, we need to go back home. We will see you at the celebration"

"Ok, thank you for telling him. I will see you then"

"Bye, Ms. Medda"

"Bye, Ms. Medda". We left Ms. Medda's theater and as we walked back to our apartment, Sarah turned toward me. "It is great that Jack, Crutchie, and Jojo are coming back, but how can we make sure that the other boys won't find him? It has only been three months, so they could still be looking for him"

"I don't know, but Jack is smarter than he appears to be, so he might already have a plan on how to deal with them"

"I hope so. I don't want him to get hurt again"

"Neither do I, but I doubt that he would want to leave the apartment at all while he is here"

"Maybe, but I can't wait to see him again"

"Me too"

The Disgraced Newsie: Part 2( Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now